
It borders on the line of cruelty. I've seen people shrug and say "ehh,so they'll be stunted,what's the big deal"
But personally....I don't approve of it. As soon as I learned how large my clown loaches would grow I knew I'd have to get them a bigger tank the live in a 100+ gallon,I also had some bala sharks in a 29 once ( :X ), I had no idea how large they grew but they were growing FAST so I took them back to my lfs no matter how much it killed me to do so, that's all part of keeping the fish. If a person can't give it what it needs they shouldn't have it (IMO)
my puffer is in a 10 gallon, i know that it's small but i have to wait for christmas for my new 30 gallon tank. this was my second mistake of keeping fish in to small of inviroment, i'm never falling in this hole again. at first i though what is wrong with it, the more quetions that i ask and more i do some reserch i figured out what is so wrong. -_-
I found out how big my pleco is gonna get so im thinkin im gonna have to get rid or him for something smaller, its a shame hes great for cleaning algae :byebye:
I don't know why anyone would even want to keep a fish in an environment in which it cannot thrive. :dunno:

There are so many different fish available that no one should have trouble finding appealing fish that are appropriate to the size tank they have.
I feel that any pets that I own should be treated as I myself would like to be treated. This includes diet, medical care, interaction, as well as the enviroment in which they live.

here here everybody, what a can of worms though!
I think it's cruel also, but in all truth, tanks ARE artificial environments. And I'm sure this does affect fish to some extent, however minimal.
They don't look happy or even normal because they are in tanks too small. you don't wan't a fish that looks malformed and unhappy do you?


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