

New Member
Sep 24, 2005
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I was wondering I know that snails are suppose to be slow but I bought some snails last night and put them in the tank they havent moved since evrything else in tank is fine did the store sell me dead snails?????????
if they are stuck to the side of hte tank then they are alive.

HOw long did you take to acclimatise them?
weve had a few bad small ones in the past, weve recently got 2 giant ones and they seem to do the same job as many of the little ones did, Im not sure if this happened but 2 of the turbos had a likening to a piece of rock an anenome was on, and suddenly after getting close i find they have Karked it, could this be the anenome stinging them and its enough to send them away packing into the bin?
Ironically, turbo snails are tremendously slow. But they usually adhere to the glass instantaneously. However, if they fall on their backs, they are doomed, they cannot right themselves. I lost 2 that way :sad:

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