Question to anyone who's used Tahitian Moon Sand


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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So there is 40lbs of Tahitian Moon sand sitting in the back of my Blazer at the moment courtesey of Big Al's online.

I'm just wondering from anyone who's used the stuff before how much washing was needed? I mean I'm hoping it won't be that bad. I'm assuming it doesn't need a ton of washing as it's made for aquariums as opposed to all-purpose sand that you'd buy at home depot?

I'm just curious to see if I can tackle the washing this morning when I have about 1.5 hours time or not. I've been burned with aquarium sand before when I bought black marine sand(though inert) and it was so full of fine particles that it turned into a near paste and was almost impossible to get to sink in my tank even after hours of washing the fine stuff out.
IME, it's not as dirty as Home Depot play sand, but it still requires a very good rinsing. I noticed alot dust in the Tahitian Moon.

Also, Tahitian moon sinks fine. I don't think it's really too fine. :thumbs:
Probably took me 3 rinses per bucket and it sinks fine - no clouding at all! I'm sure you'll really like it.
I used 40 pounds of it in my 55g. I was rinsing for about an hour or more before I felt comfortable with putting it in my tank. Its a heavy sand and settles rather quickly. I still found it turned my water black but after a day of running the filter it was as clear as crystal.
So, Tahitian moon sand. What is it ?
Yes I know its sand but I aint not never heard of it, no how, no way, uh-uh.
Any pics?
where can you get this black sand , Home Depot ? and how much per pound ?
what other kinds of sand can you get at this kinda place, besides play sand ?
freshcichlid said:
where can you get this black sand , Home Depot ? and how much per pound ?
what other kinds of sand can you get at this kinda place, besides play sand ?
you should probably look at the post right above yours.
ok you got me, i read the link but just the parts about the sand, thanks!

anyone have any pics of play sand in their tanks ?
freshcichlid said:
ok you got me, i read the link but just the parts about the sand, thanks!

anyone have any pics of play sand in their tanks ?
I'm sure there are lots of people with pics.

I have a few though mine are kinda off since I haven't been able to figure out a white balance problem with my camera vs. the coralife lights I have.

The pics are way too green not sure why yet.



For reference this is a mixture of play sand and black sand

is there such thing as black play sand ? ive seen a lot of sand that is colored in red, blue, purple etc. is that ok to use for aquariums ? i really want some black sand but dont know any besides the moon sand !
well most of those colored sands are artificially dyed..i think general consensus seems to be that these sands will do SOMETHING bad to the tank water :lol: ..however, maybe someone has tried it before?
Just a side note, the black sand found at home depot looks and gets a brownish color once in tank for awhile, doesnt look good compared to TMS.
I washed 40 lb in about 15 to 20 minutes. There really isn't much residue or dust in it. I put it in the tank over Eco Complete and added water. I never had any cloudy water at all. Even when filling the tank up the first time, if I disturbed the sand, it just fell back to the bottom.

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