question to all

pete28 said:
mrcrabbs i TOTALLY AGREE with cfc. i understand your enthusiasm to want to breed fish but oscars need a lot of room. definitely do some research before you try to start the process this will help you and protect the fish you are trying to raise :D
oh yeah. Im not going to do anything before I do research but I figured that I would breed the oscars when there small and could fit in that tank. Then when they get bigger I will sell.
mrcrabbs said:
oh yeah. Im not going to do anything before I do research but I figured that I would breed the oscars when there small and could fit in that tank. Then when they get bigger I will sell.
I dont think you understand, oscars will be too large to be in a 20 gallon tank before they are anywhere near mature enough to breed. Seriously if you are interested in breeding oscars you are going to need some much bigger tanks, you'll need a tank of around 150 to 180 gallons just to grow a group out in to aquire a mating pair and then even if you return the others and use that tank as the breeding tank you will need another of at least 50 gallons to grow the fry out in before you can sell them on.

With a small tank like a 20g you really are limited to dwarf cichlids like appistogramma or pelvachromis species.
Oh I see ok thanks. Well what fish would you reccommend? Tropical or cichlids that could go in 20 gallons
are you wanting to breed the same pair over and over or do several generations and also you must keep in mind that some species may eat their ypung so you would need fry tanks. Kribs would be ok in the 20 and take care of their young. but I would seriously buy a few tanks to raise the fish because fish stores dont like to buy fry, they like to buy larger specimens, and to get a tank full of fry along with the parent to the "selling" size might put a load on your tank it may not be able to handle. Also when the Kribs get older they may start to fight when the parents go to breed again. those are some things to consider. Guppies might be a good begining alternative.....
Well I have a 10 gallon tank a 29 gallon which is set up and a msall tank where I kept lizards in. I doubt I cna persaude my dad to let me setup more then 2 but maybe. I would put the parents back in the 29 gallon tank.

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