question to all


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
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As some of you guys know im thinking of starting to breed. I realized it would be cheaper to just buy a new tank, but I found a 10gallon for 40$ or a 20 for 80$ that has a flourecent hood and the other has the other kind wich isnt as good. Would u spend the extra 20$ or get the cheaper one. They both have all the parts and stuff.
mrcrabbs said:
As some of you guys know im thinking of starting to breed. I realized it would be cheaper to just buy a new tank, but I found a 10gallon for 40$ or a 20 for 80$ that has a flourecent hood and the other has the other kind wich isnt as good. Would u spend the extra 20$ or get the cheaper one. They both have all the parts and stuff.
According to my calculator, that's a $40 difference! ;) If it were me, I'd go with the larger tank with the flourescent light.
I dont know yet. What would you reccomend? I dont have a lot of money.
They could be bred in a 20 gallon? And im looking to sell so could I get anyhting for them?
What part of what country do you reside in? I know of a great deal if you're not too far away from philadelphia PA
Go for the 20L.
Its a bigger tank and it has flourecent lighting. Im not a fan of incandecent lighting.
Im in the west coast. i was thinking of the 20 gallon even though it is a bit more, but I figure by the time I convince my dad to let me get the tank ill have enough money lol
mrcrabbs said:
im thinking of breeding oscars.
Add another 100g to that 20 and your somewhere nearer the right size tank for breeding oscars, you couldnt even keep a single oscar in a 20 let alone a breeding pair.

Id suggest starting with something small an easy like kribensis.
mrcrabbs i TOTALLY AGREE with cfc. i understand your enthusiasm to want to breed fish but oscars need a lot of room. definitely do some research before you try to start the process this will help you and protect the fish you are trying to raise :D

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