question that has been on my mind for a while


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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lets just say I have an 8 gallon tank. Its long and it can be divided into eight ways.( rember this is fake). It has all females in the tank.

So why wont I be able to have all them in the tank without the dividers. Why would I need a 20 gallon tank, but I can have 8 divided?

(these are just hypothetical situatsions.)
I get it...

S/he wants to know why it is s/he can have 8 females in an 8 gallon tank and have "peace" while in order to not have the dividers, s/he has to have a 20 gallon, heavily planted in order to have them together.

Its interesting thoughts, really. Hmm. (and sorry, I dunno what sex you are, wrs :)

I dun know why, but it is definitely food for thought.

because thye will be too cramped wiht 8 in an 8 gallon. thye will nip and fight too much. there needs to be space for them to get away from the "bullies" and plants for them to hide in and break up all of the "free space"

i dunno-maybe if they were all extremely peaceful and the tank was well planted. it would work.

i have 6 in a planted 10. thye are all quite peaceful. (i had 7 but lost one to dropsy yesterday :byebye: )


what i was saying was,

why is it possible to have 8 with a divders
but not with out?

if anyone answered that, sorry. its late, and I got up early today because I thought we were going to get some hermit crabs, lol.
becuase of aggression problems? like how you can have 8 males in a 8G tank dvidied but not 8 undivided :p

but sometimes you can keep females together, i keep 6 together in a 15G tank with 3 guppies and they do good :)
lol, no, I was saying I was male.

The question was about females. I know about the males fighting, lol.
Because the female Bettas will also be aggressive to each other if they are too cramped, so if they're together they need plenty of space and plants to hide, whereas if they are divided you don't need to worry about them fighting.

Hope that's clear :)

With dividers they would each have their own territory mapped out for them and no possibility of bickering over who gets to hang out around this plant or that ornament.Without dividers they would have to sort these things out for themselves and more space and hiding places would help...but maybe not eliminate problems.


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