Question Regarding Ei Method


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Chatroom Moderator
Dec 3, 2011
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okay so I've been dosing with EI for a few weeks now, my tank is looking gd, yep the usual algue is growing thats fine i can clean that, and some of my plants do look like they are growing slowly, PS i have no Co2 yet

but i sadly lost torpedo barb after a water change this weekend now I'm 100% certain this was caused my me maybe stupidly knocking the temp of my heater to 30c and cooked them alive :'( no the question i am asking is dose EI method effect nitrite readings? as i tested my water before WC all was fine, after WC all was fine i added EI, tbh i did add a tad more than i usually do, but then i lost the fish, i tested the water and i noticed there was a huge nitrite spike, i was dam did this kill my fish, I'm guessing no because all my other fish are fine just torpedo's, i did a 80% water change immediately but all has been fine since, no nitrite nothing, i had a nitrite spike few weeks back because of to many fish added and it was hell high for about a week after, WC every day :(, back to the question sorry for the story XD, dose EI effect the nitrite part of the test or even increase nitrite in the tank, is this safe for fish will i die down, was i just panicking to quick to early?

the EI method i am using is Low Green from ebay, and allot of people have been telling me its amazing, all it is, is a pre measured EI method instead of me making it up myself?

all comments welcome

thank you zikofski
The short answer is no, there's nothing in EI to cause Nitrite. :good:

Some observations regarding your plant food though - from the description given on eBay, it isn't an EI system - It looks to be a trace mix. Cost wise sitting between a liquid trace and a straight Micro trace mix. Slightly more concerning is that is doesn't actually say what's in it....

Aah okay thank you ye I know Im going of what I think was minnnt sergested it to me :) I shall keep an eye out tho thnx
i wouldnt dose full ei on a tank with no co2, your probably end up with algae problems, use a weaker dose.
okay thank you i guess that is why i have allot of algae :)
i wouldnt dose full ei on a tank with no co2, your probably end up with algae problems, use a weaker dose.

It's more likely a waste of money than a cause for algae. There would be a number of other things to look at before blaming the (E.I.) ferts.

And just to say again, I'm not sure that low green is much more than a trace mix, if you're plants are wanting more (or any nitrate and phosphate) that could be a cause of your algae, or lack of flow, or light too high for no CO2 etc...

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