question on bettas w/ angels


New Member
Apr 14, 2004
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East Windsor, NJ
hello every one i currently have a large 6"-7" angel fish and im wondering if a male betta would be ok with it in a 10 gal aquarium?
You're planning on buying a 30+ gallon for when the angels get bigger, right? Sorry to be off topic, but I just wanted to make sure ;)

I wouldn't recommend putting a male betta in with angels.
If your angel is already 7 inches that would mean it's mosty full grown which means if you still have it in a ten gallon it probably won't be able to fully spread out it's long fins because angels are taller then they are long.... I wouldn't worry about a betta because it sounds like you need to buy a bigger tank anyways...

Oh, and a betta would chew the fins off an angel.
I once inquired about keeping bettas and angels. I was told the betta would nip the angels,but in the end the angels would kill the betta.
Nes said:
or male bettas with female bettas...
Hmm? Why couldn't you keep a male betta with females, if the tank is big enough and heavily planted? I've done it and they got along fine.
Nes, I have on several occasions kept a female and male together for years, and they've never bothered each other more than the male flaring at her occasionally. As long as the tank is big enough and there's LOTS of plants, it works. Of course, there are personalities among bettas, so I'm sure there are more aggressive ones that are best kept alone.

Keeping a male and female together is not something to try in a small tank though. Should be at least 16 gal for a couple, preferably more. About 20-25 gal is a good minimum if you want to keep more than one female. And of course, it's best to have another tank to put the other in in case things don't work out.
i dont think yous should be worry about getting a betta, i think you should be getting a bigger tank for you angel. That tank is far to small for it.

Also i agree with Nes, males and females shouldnt be kept together unless the are breeding.
i had what i thought were 4 females in a 10 gallon tank. One turned out to be a shortfinned male and i didnt realise until he had killed 2 of my females needless to say there arent any more females with him.

I think its better not tot take the chance and just not put them together
Nes, I wasn't fighting, just saying it can work if it's done with common sense.

I agree with you that it's a bad idea to keep a male and a female betta together in for example a 10 gal. It's too small and it'll just end in trouble and stressed/injured fish. But, if the tank is large enough and properly decorated, it can work. That's all. Depends on the environment, as in so many cases.
endparenthesis said:
Bettas don't really care how big the tank is when they're flared up next to each other...
But in a big tank they don't have to be. ;) And in my experience, usually aren't. Mine have preferred to stay in separate parts of the tank. When they don't always need to look at each other, they don't get excited either.

Besides, I'm not saying you have to keep a male and females together. Just that it's possible if you know what you're doing. How about we leave it at that?
I think people are saying peaceful betta kinships are in the minority. There will be temperments of every type in every species of course. Question is, if most betta kinships don't seem to work, is it responsible to recommend them to someone? Up to you.

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