Question about Tiger Barb


New Member
May 3, 2005
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In our office we have a 20 gallon tank with 3 tiger barbs and a plecostamus (sp?). One of the barbs will often spend one entire day vertical (face down) wiggling as if he can't swim correctly. Every time we are sure he is going to die and then ... nothing. He's fine for weeks at a time, then back to the weird swimming! What could this be? Thanks! Angie
Hi there - how often do you clean out the tank at work? Barbs can be susceptible to problems with water chemistry, particularly nitrites. What are your water parameters?

We have 3 Tigers and the behaviour you mention sounds pretty typical. They do tend to swim (or tread water!) nose down for some time. I have also noticed that tigers tend to get very pale stripes if they are stressed or the water is not clean. We have one called Sadie (as in Fadey Sadie) who we use as a good visual guide to water problems as she seems to fade when there is a problem. So If your Tiger is fairly obviously not fading and the stripes are as dark as the others he/she is probably okay. :rolleyes: :hey:

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