Question About The Blue Lobster

May 16, 2007
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I'm getting a 210 litre tank and i was wondering if i could have a blue lobster with fish such as angels, tetras, plecos, corys, dwarf gouramis, guppys and rasboras etc.

Do a search for boboboy...he is the master informer around these part for crayfish/lobster info. :D

Personally, I do keep a crayfish in with some tiger barbs and a phantom tetra. But, then....even if Charlie (the Cray) suddenly became carnivorous...I wouldn't be worried... because...I like the cray more than the fish. LOL I like to be entertained when watching my fish, so it's all good for me. :D

Good Luck. :)
i had a blue lobster im my 180ltr community tank and after a couple of weeks
it had nearly killed all my fish ..guppies/corries/swordtails/etc
i had to move it to a 2ft tank on its own and then it escaped (not sure how) :hyper:
they will try to eat anything that goes near them and mine got more aggressive
when it couldnt catch the rest of the tank mates...
personaly i would never have one in a community set up ..only on its own or species tank

a good alternative is shrimp they are very friendly and very easy to breed
i have just found a load of babies in my trickle filter (built into the hood) found 10 and still counting
Make Sure you have a peaceful community with shrimp though. I had a shrimp in with a betta and he ate the shrimp!
I'm getting a 210 litre tank and i was wondering if i could have a blue lobster with fish such as angels, tetras, plecos, corys, dwarf gouramis, guppys and rasboras etc.


yep if you follow the rules, and the Cray, has the right disposition, none of the fish you mention are in particular danger with a redclaw! my 7 inch Cray has a best mate who is a 7 or 8 inc pleco. though my experience with dwarf guramis and crabs, though not with Crayfish, would lead me to think the Cray could have a hard time with it. i had a DG that bullied the hell out of my Redcrab. the interaction of Cray and Cory is fun to watch. in my tank you would think the Cray didn't see them, and she trips over them if they are in her path, she then put on a big display rearing up and waving her claws around, and just goes on her way. there have been a succession of fish who have shared her cave, first was a glass cat (there is a good pic of that somewhere on here) currently it is a Bolivian ram, and a pictus cat sleeps and rests right outside it.

but please remember, all my not go well, even if you do follow the guidance. and here is where it gets sticky. Cray really need to be put in a mature tank, with a mature community. so the choice of fish is often set before the Cray arrives. if you are really fond of your fish, even though the chances may be small, you need to think hard before you go ahead. still the best move i ever made!! power to the community Crayfish!!!
I'm getting a 210 litre tank and i was wondering if i could have a blue lobster with fish such as angels, tetras, plecos, corys, dwarf gouramis, guppys and rasboras etc.


mine ate anything that wasn't fast enough to get out of her way! Snippy was a little sod tho, my LFS used to refer to her as 'Atilla the Hun'! then make a cash register sound as invariably i'd try a different type of fish to see if they were fast enough!

she let a cory live for 10 days before she ate him, grabbed an angelfish as i let 4 of them out of their bag, ate 2 dwarf gouramis that hubs bought me as a suprise before i'd even got out of work and seen them! and attacked my bristlenosed plec while he was still in the bag!! (then later ate him too!) we went through several hundreds of pounds worth of fish while we worked out how much gamma fish and shrimp to feed her and how many 'cheap' fish to keep in the tank to stop her eating what i wanted to stock and then she goes and dies on me :unsure:

she sure was fascinating to watch, the tank just isn't the same without her, we've got our eye on some itty bitty ones at the LFS atm i think i should be safe now all the medication should have disipated by now :)

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