Question About Silver Dollars


New Member
Jul 4, 2012
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Pennsylvania, USA
I have 2 silver dollars in a 36 gallon tank . These fish are about 3 inches in diameter. They are swimming side by side like 2 pieces of bread in a sandwich... TIGHT together... Plus they go to the bottom of the tank and quiver and shake in unison as they swim. Are these fish mating? But I believe they are both males? The pair also has dark marks (a single spot on both side of their bodies) in the center of the fish right behind there gills. But the spots on both fish comes and goes. Has anyone seen this before?
Do you know that silver dollars get large and need groups? Probably do, but do you have a large tank waiting for them?
I have 5 silver dollars in a 36 gallon tank. I learned after the fact that they can get to be 6 inches in dia. They where as big as a quarter when I first got them... I do belive for now they are AOK... As I take care of my stuff... But can anyone answer my original question?
sounds like they are stressed out and nervous....

there is no possible way they would be breeding in a tank that small....and they are not big enough/mature enough to be breeding anyhow....
Its quite normal mate, i have 9 full grown in my tank, they often do this, get the marks aswell, im not sure on sexing, but think its quite diff to spawn in captivity...
They don't act stressed... How big a tank should these fish have? I still think they are all males. I wish you could post a HIGH pic of a female silver dollar so I could see the difference. I have had these fish since July 2012. How old do they have to be to lay eggs?
It's my understanding that they develop the black spots when they're a bit frisky and yes it's the males that this happens to - maybe adolescents at that size? Might they be asserting dominance or just strutting their stuff, whilst they're waiting for a girlfriend to come along?
When I started with 2 silver dollars (now increased to 5) - it was soon apparent that I had 1 of each as their anal fins were different shaped. The male did just as you describe, the female doesn't get these black spots and goes into hiding when he's doing this "shimmying"! He had several weeks when he did that frequently - probably when he was that sort of size, he's hasn't done it so much recently.
The 2 of them and now all 5, always hang out together, staying pretty close most of the time.
(I haven't decided what sexes my 3 smaller ones are yet)
I have found that my male gets the dark dots on him when he is feeling frisky. I have had my silver dollars for a few years now and it was the first time this week where I actually saw the female drop eggs. I am now hoping the eggs hatch as i collected what i could and made a egg turner.. Fingers crossed 

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