Question About My New Betta...


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
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Hi, I'm new to this forum; I actually signed up just so I could ask this question.

I'm a college student. I got a betta on 2/11. I brought it back to my dorm, put it in a 2.5 gallon tank. The tank has about an inch or so of natural gravel as a substrate, and for decorations, there is a plastic plant. Up until 2/14, I didn't have any way of heating the tank. I'm pretty sure that the water from 2/11 until 2/14 when I started heating it was at least 70 degrees. I now have a themometer and a heater in the tank, and the water is kept at about 76-82 degrees. I also have a desk lamp shining on the tank at most times during the day, the betta seems to enjoy it. My problem is this: he hasn't eaten since I brought him home. I gave him about 3 freeze-dried bloodworms while he was still in his little cup from the store, but since then, he swims away whenever he sees me put food in there. I've tried both flakes and freeze-dried bloodworms. I've noticed within the past couple of days that he has been developing holes in his fins, is that due to his not eating? I asked at the pet store, and they said that it can take up to half a week for them to start eating, especially when the water is cooler. I kind of figured that as soon as the water warmed up, he would start eating. Is there anything I'm doing wrong? Does anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.

Your tempreture and tank size seem fine, might anna remove a little gravel so cleaning will be easier, maybe like 1/3 inch at the most, really dont need alot. the light your shineing in sounds fine as well, just make sure its not too incredibly bright and that its shineing form above rather than directly across the tank where it can damage the lil guy's eyes.

For food, free dried its ok once in a while as a treat, but if fed to a betta or any other ifhs for an extended period of time, it will cause them digestive problems, this is what i fear is wrong with your betta, he may be constipated or ill in his stomach. try starveing him for a couple days and throw him a defrosted-deshelled frozen pea. this userally does teh trick.

As for the holes in his fins, that is a common symptom of bad water quality. it could be from his time in that awful cup at the lfs, but if it has just started to occur, you may want to have your water tested, or do a water change. do you have any kind of filtration in that 2g, or atleast a bubble stone? any kind of airation of the water would be great for him.
No, I don't have any filtration or an air stone...I was told I didn't need them. Also, I'm not sure if I'm going to get better water quality from the tap here, should I buy some spring water?

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