question about medicating


Fish Fanatic
Jun 5, 2004
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Im medicating my tank with multicure at the moment (multicure is something that we have here in australia... the ingredients are 0.4mg/mL Malachite green, 4.00/mg/mL Methylene Blue and 2.00mg/mL Acriflavine and it turns the water green)and it seems like it has stained my sand a greenish colour... cant really tell at the moment as my whole tank is green. After medicating will the colour go away? or will i have to replace the sand?
Also does multicure affect the beneficial bacteria in the tank? I hope not... !!!
It should say on the medicine instructions if it interfers with the bacteria colony in your filter, also it should say if it stains ornamaent in the tank, and if it damages plants.
Malc.Gr and Meth.Bl. are two of the most powerful bactericides and they also stain everything quite badly. You will find that you will need to reseed the filtration system after you clear the meds. The fact that you have used a broad spectrum bacteriacide plus Acroflavine which is an antiseptic/antibiotic, you have left no room for bacteria, good or bad to survive. You will find that your plants will have suffered and all the inverts(if you have/had any) will have been killed off.
I am wondering why you had to use such a powerful treatment in the first place? I will be very surprised that your sand is not stained and the silicone on the sides of your tank are not also stained.
If you had an outbreak of whitespot then one or the other of the ingredients will have done the job.
When the med. treatment is completed you will need to clear it out of the water with a good quality carbon in the filter, then remove and discard the carbon. Replace everything in the filter and reseed it with a good reseeding agent, to mature and introduce "good" bacteria back into your tank.

If you are in OZ and need to find out what products are available here ... then you can email this company which also sells aquarium products.

I am in no way associated with them.. just buy my stuff there.

You could try them and maybe there are products that will not affect your tank to the extent the multicure did.

I find a lot of lfs in the shopping centres always just sell you multicure if you ask about anything as they don't really know what they are talking about.

Good luck and I hope that they can help. They also sell the "cycle" very cheaply and this can be used to build up your bacteria again.

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