This is a bit of a weird question, but I am wondering if anyone has experience with or found studies about playing flutes or other high instruments/music/noises around aquariums. I'm posting this in the betta forum, since I have a betta, but if it needs to be moved somewhere else, moderators, please feel free to move it!
I play flute, and the best room in my house for practicing also happens to have my betta's aquarium in it. I've been avoiding practicing in that room, because I'm concerned that the high frequencies may be bad for my betta. I haven't had any luck researching if it is safe or not. Anyone have any idea if I'm just over thinking, or if it actually would be detrimental to my aquarium inhabitants? I am an advanced player, so most of what I'm playing is at the top of the flute range.
We do have a piano in the same room and it has never effected my fish, but the flute consistently hits higher frequency noises much louder than the piano does. I know lots of people will watch tv around their aquariums, but that also usually falls at a lower frequency than flutes.
I play flute, and the best room in my house for practicing also happens to have my betta's aquarium in it. I've been avoiding practicing in that room, because I'm concerned that the high frequencies may be bad for my betta. I haven't had any luck researching if it is safe or not. Anyone have any idea if I'm just over thinking, or if it actually would be detrimental to my aquarium inhabitants? I am an advanced player, so most of what I'm playing is at the top of the flute range.
We do have a piano in the same room and it has never effected my fish, but the flute consistently hits higher frequency noises much louder than the piano does. I know lots of people will watch tv around their aquariums, but that also usually falls at a lower frequency than flutes.