LOL ok, first off, they guys on here are absolutely right... Flowerhorns ( also knows as Luo Hans ) are VERY aggressive and u should not put any other fish in that tank with it, not even its own kind as anything that moves would be destroyed FAST. Flowerhorns while they get big ( up to 18" max size ) more often only get to 12" - 14" and show there best coloration when stressed or mad.
Something should be said to the fact that most flowerhorn hobbyist keep thier flowerhorns in smaller aquaria to get the best coloration of thier flowerhorn, this is wrong as they are in fact stressing the fish not to mention stunting its growth.
Yes the nuchal hump on the head is a desired trait and can fetch a good ammount of money, the bigger it gets the more the fish is worth. This hump has ALOT to do with genetics of the parent fish yes, but with out good water quality and proper diet, this hump will not be as big as it can be.
Another interesting feature of the Flower Horn is the black horizontal markings known as just ‘flowers’. Some of these markings resemble Chinese characters and these fetch a high price for the owner. Theres two kinds of flowers, a single row flowerhorn and a double rown flowerhorn. The more defined these flowers are, the better quality of fish you have starting with single row flowers and double row flowerhorns being the higher quality.
Good luck with your flowerhorn, they are truly amazing fish in thier own right, but be advised some hobbyist see the flowerhorn as an abononation to the hobby and often lash out at us flowerhorn keepers