Question About Filters - Basic


New Member
Feb 22, 2012
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Bay Area, CA
So, I have been reading around and I have a question.

I understand the importance of the bacteria in the filters. So, is that why they have the bio screens or blocks in filters? Is that good enough or are there other steps that you take? Guess I will have to relocate the bacteria screen for my betta's little tank filter! He was overfed by a fish babysitter and I tossed it because it was NASTY!

Aren't the bio screens in filters meant to be replaced anyway? I think they're just a stage of the filtration process to prevent the rest getting clogged. They're meant to get nasty! You tossed the entire filter?!?! Or just the pad?

Love the signature by the way. Does the homo sapien live in a tank?
Bacteria grows on all of the surfaces in an aquarium, including all filter media, decorations, gravel, and even the glass if it is not wiped down. The biomedias for filter are highly porous and specialized in performing biological and not mechanical filtration, but if you need to throw it out all of the other medias like sponge and foam, not to mention the bacteria in the tank itself, still contain plenty enough bacteria to keep the cycle going. i don't use anything in my filters except plain sponge and foam which work well for both biological and mechanical filtration, and do not use any fancy form of bio blocks, ceramics, or screens.
I wouldnt recommend throwing all of your media out in one go in any instance.

As above, bacteria lives everywhere in your tank, but in larger and more useful colonies in the filter. Im not sure what you mean by a bioscreen but assume its some sort of pre-filter process? If so, it'll likely need rinsing out quite regularly if it blocks the majority of detritus going into the filter.

Filter media only needs throwing away when it disintegrates, this normally takes years. If replacing with new, its best to do it a third at a time. Other than that, you can just rinse it in old tank water and put it back in. The bacteria clings to the media pretty hard.

Hope this helps.
My little filter (over the tank type, its only for a 5 gal) has the usual charcoal setup and a mesh like web that is made to fit in prior to the charcoal. The whole point (according to the package) is for the bacteria. It was a big slime mess, I should have just gritted my teeth and clean it (it was completely blocking the water flow it was that nasty) but I didn't. I figured I would just replace it. I will find something, even if I have to cut it down. My newer filter has a plastic piece that goes after the charcoal part. It has a bunch of wedges that the water goes over. However, it is after the charcoal and not before. So, that would be assuming that enough bacteria would survive the charcoal process to stick to the wedges. Does the charcoal effect the bacteria?
Charcoal is used to remove chemicals from the water but I don't use it at all. Maybe if I had to dose the tank with medication I'd use it for a short period to help remove it. Generally you don't need it in my opinion. As for it affecting the bacteria, it shouldn't. It seems you need somewhere for bacteria to colonise and a charcoal filter isn't the best as you're meant to replace the charcoal regularly anyway. It gets full of the chemicals its removed and then begins to leech them back into the water if you don't replace it. Foam and ceramic filter media are the best places for bacteria to colonise. I'm struggling to understand the type of filter you have. Do you have the make and model to google it and have a look? So you have entirely removed the old filter and bought a new one? Only one tank?
This is what I have in my 15 gal:

I just have one that came with the tank, though from reviews online it seems most people replace it. The plastic pipe that sucks up the water doesn't even go down halfway. It is pretty quite though.

This is what I have for the 5 gal:

I didn't even know that Newegg sold fish filters. Interesting.

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