Question about "Cycle" (product)

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Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Well since my tank is going through its cycle (hehe), and my levels of nitrite and ammonia were getting pretty high, I decided to go buy some Cycle, since I've heard some really good things about it. Anyway - I'm basically curious to know how long since adding this product I will be able to notice a difference in my levels. I already have noticed one in my ammonia levels, since it is now at 0, and I'm not really sure about the nitrites - it looks about the same, maybe a little better. My tank is a 10 gallon and the pH is at 7.4. Anybody had any experience with this product and know how long it will take? I just added it yesterday - 2 capfuls, and I'm just curious :). Thanks!
I've used cycle & was really impressed at how quickly it worked
I'd say give it a couple of days and your nitrites will be down too
I used this when i started my 55 gal. But i also used some filter media and gravel from a 10 gal. I never had any ammonia or nitrite readings. I have heard this products uses some of the wrong types of bacteria and of the ones that are the right types, they are all dead. The only product i have seen work and also never read a negative thing about is bio spira. How long was your tank running before you added the Cycle?
I would recomend bio-spira over cycle. it costs a bit more but I have had much better results with it than cycle. bio-spira needs to be kept refrigerated too.
Alright thanks guys, if my nitrite's don't go down soon, I'll check out that other product. My tank has been running for um..... probably almost a month, so I may be near to completing my cycle, lets hope! No more fishies have died, and they all actually seem to be doing really well now, so I'm happy. :D
Another question - sorry lol. About this other product, bio spira, how pricey is it exactly? I think there is a LFS that may carry it, but I can't find their phone number anywhere and I don't want to drive down there if they don't have it, or if I can't afford it hehe. Can you give me a price range or what you paid? That would be greatly appreciated, thanks. :)
Its kept refrigerated. I think it was gonna be 19.99 for my 55 gal tank. If i remember correctly that was the smallest container my lfs had.
I haven't had much luck with Cycle. Its been 30 days since I started using it and my nitrates are still at 160ppm. Ammonia has zeroed out though.
I used cycle in my tank and let it sit a couple of days before adding any fish... I haven't had any detectible ammonia and my nitrites haven't gone above .25ppm... but it's only been a week so far... I also have live plants, I've heard they can help keep ammonia levels down as well.

Is there any chance these products interfere with a natural permanent bacteria colony from forming?
Is there any chance these products interfere with a natural permanent bacteria colony from forming?

I highly doubt it. The product probably wouldn't be on the market still if that were the case. As I said, I added cycle to my tank as well as some media from a established tank, and I have seen no ill effects.

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