Question About A Vamp Baracuda


New Member
Nov 26, 2005
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This is a new fish for me, ive never had one of these and i read all i can about him before i bought him, i wanted to know if any of you guys have one, mayeb know some tricks on keeping them healthy and happy, most people told me he cannot be mixxed in a community, hes seems to like it. pretty odd he groups himself with a urai chcild and i cant keep them apart, they swim as if there in a school, looks like they sleep together lol. as u can see in the pics. i feed him small gold fish and minows, is there anything else he will eat? he has never attacked another fish in my tank... Any known problems with these guys?

i dunno im big on sharp teeth fish :drool:
These are a fish that shouldn't really be in the hobby as no one has been able to keep them alive for more than a year or so, once they reach 8-12 inches they just die for no apperant reason. I had two a couple of years ago, i managed to get them eating frozen foods and they grew to around 8 inches within 4 months, then true to rumor both of them stopped eating, became listless and slowly wasted away in front of me over a period of weeks, i tried everything i could think of to get them eating again but it was as if they had just decided to give up living.
CFC when i bought him for the pet store i been dealing with for years i was warned about a diesase they get, which would kill them easily and i been watching him closley for it, guy told me to wach for tiny spots on the top of his body look like specs of silver/white, and if i saw this i would have to treat him fast or he would die... not exactly sure what its called ill find out.

75 gallon US
It sounds like ICH, a common disease which can effect all tropical fish.

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