

New Member
Jun 10, 2005
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ok can i put sharks in wiv my mollies and platys and neons or will the shark kill them
dude what kind of shark? if its rainbow shark then its ok they r peaceful fella. I have this fish before they do no harm to my other fish.
i dunno my other half just said he wanted some sharks but im affraid they will eat my lil fry
I agree with the above. What size tank have you got because you could for instance keep some silver sharks as they are very peaceful shoalers but grow to an enormous 14 inches in a spacious tank (minimum 90g). However, in a smaller tank the red tailed black shark grows to about 5 inches but can be a chaser. The red finned or ruby shark grows to 6 inches and is fairly peaceful. Of course if your other half wants big sharks perhaps he could buy you a REALLY big tank. :nod:
if you're concerned about the fry, that no shark like will do, nor your neons and the livebearers itself for that matter. All fish will eat the newborn fry, in a heavily planted tank, you might be lucky and have some go in hiding untill they're big enough. But seeing as it's not unusual to have anything between 40 and 100 fry every 2 or 3 weeks (per fish), it wouldn't be good if all survived anyway

It would indeed be nice to know how big your tank is. Some sharks will have to be kept on their own completely, others can go in community tanks but not with their own kind, and others need to be kept in groups ... as you can see, its hard for us to advice you right now.
Having used my psycic powers, I've found that the tank is about 40-42 gallons. And it contains mollys, platys, zebra (danios?), catfish(type?), shrimp and apple snails. Yes, feel free to bow down before my superior skill :D
lol u only found out coz i have posted my tank size b4 and the fish hehe
well if you are wanting a shark with fry id say no.i was told my ruby shark would be fine with my large fish at first but he was bullied becasue he was so small.then i moved him to the small tank where he has started shredding the guppies fins for ifd say no,they can be peacuful but then again they can be little devils.
thxs german i didnt want them my other half did so now i can say no
glolite said:
What size tank have you got because you could for instance keep some silver sharks as they are very peaceful shoalers but grow to an enormous 14 inches in a spacious tank (minimum 90g).
aren't silver sharks brackish?

and i also agree that any "shark" (or catfish) will end up eating all of your fry at some point in time lol
Silver sharks are what bala sharks are called in England which gets very confusing because in America a silver shark is what we call a Columbian shark catfish which is a brackish fish.

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