

Oct 13, 2005
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Horsham, West sussex
hi :D
my new 90g has finaly arrived :D :D
however since i cycled my 80g i have heard varying times that the cycling process should take
from as little as 10 days to 10weeks.
can anybody here tell me a definate time that it should take place?
The time depends on a number of factors such as how warm you have the water, if you keep the ammonia levels spot on and don't add too much in. If you do it correctly I'd say around the 2 week mark but it can vary a lot depending on how it is performed.
feeder and swordtail remain my fravoit cycle fish all the time. I just cycle a 150g with about 20 swordtails I bought from a local breeder lol 50 cents each and wand up losing like 6-7 of them. The rest now in one of my LFS. I completed my cycle in about 15 days and giving it also another 2 week for aging so generally it took me a monthes of time to have the tank ready to stock.
Thats fish cycle what u doing is fishless cycle which dont involve fish at all just aging ur water by natural way of waiting for all the thing gets in order which mean ur water isn't aged at all. Aged and stablize water comes from tank that have fish established with out dead etc :). Our forums have article about both fish and fishless cycle. I'm adding fish to my tank at 3rd days after water is filled. And what it do is it will produce waste and stuff as food for ur benefit bacteria and make water aged. And also see how ur tank goes when fish dies u know ur tank still not aged/safe enought for u to stock tank. Also nice to have them inside to take out any stupid worm you know planted tank with out fish will have worm kind of stuff. Once you see ur fish is no longer having any problem you can start to add fish. This is what I always do to any new tank I got to avoid problem. It might be cruel but I find its very effective to make tank water age and stable.

Good luck
It is much better to do a fishless cycle. You don't run the risk of losing fish, You don't have to do daily water changes to keep the ammonia and nitrite levels down and probably more important than all is that you don't subject your fish to the toxins that burn their gills and shorten their livves. A normal fishless cycle should take from 2 weeks (very fast, probably need to seed the tank) to 6 weeks (very slow. I have cycled 5 tanks fishlessly and they all took about 3 weeks. Here is a thread that I wrote on fishless cycling. It should tell you everything you need to know. And contrary to what some LFS employees may tell you, it is impossible to fishlessly cycle a tank without ammonia or a source of ammonia (fish food for instance). When they tell you it's fine to just put some fish in right away, just remember they are in business to sell you fish. And the more you have die, the more they can sell you.

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