Phew! so glad she's on the mend.
We have a dog at work named Jemma that we have used many times specifically to teach an overboisterous pup some manners, must be something about the name eh?
I reckon the 100 pound bill will stick, i know that over here emergency after hours visits to the vet are ridiculously expensive, that's why we get insurance, but even so it's still pretty steep.
That's a great photo of her, she's got such a lovely face.
Any more thoughts on whether you want to breed from her?
I'm so happy for her that she's feeling better, be back to her usual self in no time i'm sure, but, as you say, probably best to have her vet check her out.
Thanks for the update (geez i'm a sucker for her!

), keep those cute pix coming!
Ps, did she have an upset tummy after her pig's ear? We get told not to feed them to dogs under six months, (but staffys do tend to have an iron gut!!

Yay Diva!!!!