Quatre Has Turned Into A Diva

Aww, well little Diva is so cute and sounds like such a smart lil puppy! Wish our Cid was a fast learner heh. He's got sit down though and I've almost got him to do down as well, but he doesn't like taking his eyes off the treat :p

Anyways.. I hope Diva is gonna be ok!
well if i had Cid he'd be a little rotter b/c hes so cute and would spend too much time cuddling him and forget about the training :wub:
Phew! so glad she's on the mend.
We have a dog at work named Jemma that we have used many times specifically to teach an overboisterous pup some manners, must be something about the name eh?
I reckon the 100 pound bill will stick, i know that over here emergency after hours visits to the vet are ridiculously expensive, that's why we get insurance, but even so it's still pretty steep.
That's a great photo of her, she's got such a lovely face.
Any more thoughts on whether you want to breed from her?
I'm so happy for her that she's feeling better, be back to her usual self in no time i'm sure, but, as you say, probably best to have her vet check her out.
Thanks for the update (geez i'm a sucker for her! :blush: ), keep those cute pix coming!
Ps, did she have an upset tummy after her pig's ear? We get told not to feed them to dogs under six months, (but staffys do tend to have an iron gut!! :rolleyes: )
Yay Diva!!!!

yep the £100 stuck,
pigs ear, she loves them, no upset belly no nothing,
Um still undecided on breeding her, if i move to a bigger house then yes i might let her have 1 litter but as stated before its really not my intention but you know what its like, cute puppies running around making those lovely little noises that sound like baby crocs :wub: totally blown away by the idea but hey ho reality always get me in the end and they would prob drive me nuts :lol:
shes perfect today like nothing happened, she met my neighbours dog for the first time, hes called Casper and she said he was a breed that was called Casper something, i forgot what it was. well he is only 11 months old and huge about the size of a fully grown alsation, he ran towards her and i got a bit nervous as hes quite clumsy and daft, she was great with him she sat and said hello but was obviously nervous. picked her up to reassure her then he jumped up on me , im only 5'4" and he stood almost a tall or should i say short as me :lol: i put her back down then the swine decided to play with her, turned her on her back and lay on top of her, all that i could see was her two little back legs flapping around, the rest of her had dissapeared underneath him but she came out with the joys of spring and wasnt worried by it at all. :lol: :fun: i keep forgeting to take my camera with me, i must get into the habit of taking it.
Lol.. I can just picture her 2 little legs wiggling up under the big puppy hehe.. so cute!
It's so great to hear that she's back to her usual self as well! :good:
Georgeous pics modaz, love the fat little puppy tummy (begging for a raspberry to be blown on it!), and the cute grin. I especially like the last photo, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth!! Keep 'em coming, says i. :wub:

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