sounds like a quick little learner! Also if she is giving you the paw (!) when you go into the kitchen, it sounds like she will end up being quite manipulative (ie i did it again daddy, so now i need another treat!) contrary to how it sounds, manipulative in this context is good. These dogs usually end up being super-smart and can be very easy to get along with because they are always so focussed on you and working out how to give you what you want (so they can get what they want).
BTW, with wetting her bed...does her bed look like a puppy pad? (ie a low flattish square with a white sheet- like i see in your pix) If so, try switching to a basket/bowl bed or make her bed different in another way. She may be wondering why you want her to sleep on a puppy toilet!
please keep the pix coming, i love staffys and she is too cute for words!
ps nice call on socialising her early, the highest impact socialising period in a dog's life is in her 7th to 14th week of age. Just watch that she is vaccinated enough. Heavy socialising will also help her immune system.
her pads are white and have a blue rim to them but her bed is a dark red throw which is over a thick pillow and placed in a plastic bed, shes not fully covered with vacinations yet and the next one is due this friday, i dont let her wander onto grass or around fences, lamp posts and such due to this fact, shes only been socialized to people so far, she already used to dogs as she came from a home with 4 fully grown dogs (her grandmother, parents and elder sister) so that short gap with no contact with dogs is ok.
Its strange, she only needs to be shown a couple of times what to do and she just does it from then on, I tried to seperate her from me when eatting but she screamed like crazy, so she sits in the same room whilst i eat (hygienic i know
) she did try to winge and moan and jump up but after a few times of just giving her a toy to play with has sorted it out, she either plays with it or just lies down quiet without a single mutter.
shes got the most funny noises, she rarely barks but when she gets in the car with her harness on she sounds like shes either blowing bubbles, chirps like a sparrow or sounds like shes going through her scales
gods honest truth!!!!
but this is the best bit and i have to get it on video for you to see soon, when she meets people in the LFS she gets so excited that she always wees on me and the high pitch noises turn into a MEOOOW!!! and it makes everyone laugh at her, shes cottoned on to this and tends to do it quite alot.
quick question though, i aint asked the vet yet, was gunna ask on friday, checked several sites but they say different things, at what point through her vaccinations is she allowed to start to be walked and re-introduced to other dogs? some say on the 2nd jab, some 10 days after that and some say 10 days after her rabies jab, confused by it all now,