Quatre Has Turned Into A Diva


Getting old, but nowhere near knackered, i just lo
Feb 8, 2007
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Bournemouth Uk
After a long hard think I decided that she needed a name that would be more appropiate when calling her as Quatre was too much of a mouthful and i kept calling her Quarter :lol: so my mum had a great thought so my little girl is now called Diva.
heres some updated pics of Diva during today

Shot with KODAK Z650 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2007-07-06

Shot with KODAK Z650 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2007-07-06

Shot with KODAK Z650 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2007-07-06

Shot with KODAK Z650 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2007-07-06

Shot with KODAK Z650 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2007-07-06

Shot with KODAK Z650 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2007-07-06
which ever name she has, she is very beautiful :wub:
well she woke me up at 5am crying but not her usual attention seeking cry, went to look at her and she was shivering in a corner, her paws were sooo cold, she had refused to sleep in her bed so slept on the floor and almost froze, so took her upstairs and laid on the sofa with her wrapped inside my dressing gown and we both slept there until 10am :wub: diffinately got a cuddly girl here.
well she woke me up at 5am crying but not her usual attention seeking cry, went to look at her and she was shivering in a corner, her paws were sooo cold, she had refused to sleep in her bed so slept on the floor and almost froze, so took her upstairs and laid on the sofa with her wrapped inside my dressing gown and we both slept there until 10am :wub: diffinately got a cuddly girl here.

I'd say she has you well-trained then. :p

I'd say she has you well-trained then. :p
:lol: :lol: we have an understanding.

she has started to wet her bed though when she decides to sleep in it, in 7 days she has only chewed a one inch area of one skirting board, so went and sprayed the lot with puppy sray and now she dont even look at them as edable :lol: been socializing her for a couple of hours a day in LFS's, thought i'd start her young.
just got her a collar and she dont mind it at all and managed to get her to give me her paw whilst she sits for her treats or breakfast and dinner and now she does it without me even asking, the problem is, is that she follows me into the kitchen, i turn around and there she is sat there with one paw in the air. looks quite sweet and pretty awesome achievement i think for only having her for 1 week
sounds like a quick little learner! Also if she is giving you the paw (!) when you go into the kitchen, it sounds like she will end up being quite manipulative (ie i did it again daddy, so now i need another treat!) contrary to how it sounds, manipulative in this context is good. These dogs usually end up being super-smart and can be very easy to get along with because they are always so focussed on you and working out how to give you what you want (so they can get what they want).
BTW, with wetting her bed...does her bed look like a puppy pad? (ie a low flattish square with a white sheet- like i see in your pix) If so, try switching to a basket/bowl bed or make her bed different in another way. She may be wondering why you want her to sleep on a puppy toilet!
please keep the pix coming, i love staffys and she is too cute for words! :good:
ps nice call on socialising her early, the highest impact socialising period in a dog's life is in her 7th to 14th week of age. Just watch that she is vaccinated enough. Heavy socialising will also help her immune system.
sounds like a quick little learner! Also if she is giving you the paw (!) when you go into the kitchen, it sounds like she will end up being quite manipulative (ie i did it again daddy, so now i need another treat!) contrary to how it sounds, manipulative in this context is good. These dogs usually end up being super-smart and can be very easy to get along with because they are always so focussed on you and working out how to give you what you want (so they can get what they want).
BTW, with wetting her bed...does her bed look like a puppy pad? (ie a low flattish square with a white sheet- like i see in your pix) If so, try switching to a basket/bowl bed or make her bed different in another way. She may be wondering why you want her to sleep on a puppy toilet!
please keep the pix coming, i love staffys and she is too cute for words! :good:
ps nice call on socialising her early, the highest impact socialising period in a dog's life is in her 7th to 14th week of age. Just watch that she is vaccinated enough. Heavy socialising will also help her immune system.
her pads are white and have a blue rim to them but her bed is a dark red throw which is over a thick pillow and placed in a plastic bed, shes not fully covered with vacinations yet and the next one is due this friday, i dont let her wander onto grass or around fences, lamp posts and such due to this fact, shes only been socialized to people so far, she already used to dogs as she came from a home with 4 fully grown dogs (her grandmother, parents and elder sister) so that short gap with no contact with dogs is ok.

Its strange, she only needs to be shown a couple of times what to do and she just does it from then on, I tried to seperate her from me when eatting but she screamed like crazy, so she sits in the same room whilst i eat (hygienic i know :lol: ) she did try to winge and moan and jump up but after a few times of just giving her a toy to play with has sorted it out, she either plays with it or just lies down quiet without a single mutter.

shes got the most funny noises, she rarely barks but when she gets in the car with her harness on she sounds like shes either blowing bubbles, chirps like a sparrow or sounds like shes going through her scales :lol: :lol: gods honest truth!!!!

but this is the best bit and i have to get it on video for you to see soon, when she meets people in the LFS she gets so excited that she always wees on me and the high pitch noises turn into a MEOOOW!!! and it makes everyone laugh at her, shes cottoned on to this and tends to do it quite alot.

quick question though, i aint asked the vet yet, was gunna ask on friday, checked several sites but they say different things, at what point through her vaccinations is she allowed to start to be walked and re-introduced to other dogs? some say on the 2nd jab, some 10 days after that and some say 10 days after her rabies jab, confused by it all now,
Hey, i would love to see a vid of her meowing and weeing on you!!! :rofl: :rofl:
Sounds like she's coming along beautifully, I'm sure she'll get control of her bladder with a few more weeks of age (re: peeing on bed).
Not sure about vaccs, in Australia, we can let them out 14 days after 2nd vacc, but we don't vacc for rabies as we don't have it here. Probably best just to ask your vet.
Diverting her attention to a toy while you're eating sounds great, i wouldn't be worried about the hygeine of her being in the room while you're eating, half the time at work i have to groom/toilet/handle the dogs while i'm eating my lunch as we are so flat out! Good for the immune system :sick: ....or something.
can't wait to see more pics/vids of little Diva, i check this thread every night after work hoping there will be something new! (i had a staffy-a pup named Sammy- a few years ago, but my ex claimed him in the breakup, hence the major soft spot for Diva! :blush: )
blimey some of these puppy care site things ive been reading are total BULLPOO!!!!! went to the vets today for her next jab, he told me (as she was trying to flirt like crazy with him :lol: ) that this was her last jab and that she'd had all she needed, didnt have to have the 3rd one and can go out from 5 days after this jab, gave her, her first pigs ear today kept her quiet for an hour :hey: :hey: she's put on a large amount of weight in a week and starting to look pot bellied, said she was in great health and he calls her his little BRUT :huh:
blimey some of these puppy care site things ive been reading are total BULLPOO!!!!! went to the vets today for her next jab, he told me (as she was trying to flirt like crazy with him :lol: ) that this was her last jab and that she'd had all she needed, didnt have to have the 3rd one and can go out from 5 days after this jab, gave her, her first pigs ear today kept her quiet for an hour :hey: :hey: she's put on a large amount of weight in a week and starting to look pot bellied, said she was in great health and he calls her his little BRUT :huh:
AMLOST lost her last night andd not over reacting either, lost as in died.

she ate a mushroom that had fell on the floor in the kitchen, i know she shouldnt have got it but she was too quick for me, so watched her for an hour, well she went to sleep and woke up an hour later with ears pinned by and panting she wanted an instant cuddle so when i picked her up she was baking hot, this was 1am in the morning but rang the emergency vet(who was really reluctant to see her but i told her she had no choice in the matter as i was coming with her, she asked me to watch her over the weekend and take her to my vets on monday morning, GLAD I STOOD MY GROUND) she had a temp of 104 and the vet said it was the right idea to bring her in, she wouldnt let you go near her mouth and was constantly wetting herself and really dozy, she had an antibiotic and anti inflamatory. asked her a few questions but the look on her face wasnt inviting she said it was a matter of what the night brought and there was nothing else we could do, totally CRAPPED myself, slept with her all night with her temp high and breathing at a super fast rate, woke up this morning and she seems a bit better but not fully. hopefully she will be ok.
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! What happened? She ate a mushroom? Like a common household food mushroom, right? Why did this make her so sick?
God modaz, i hope she's ok, i know you will do everything you can for her. B@#$dy vet not wanting to see her, Diva's so lucky you insisted on taking her in. Hopefully your regular vet (the one who calls her his little brute) will be a bit more interested in her welfare. Please give her an extra cuddle from me and tell her she'll be fine (sorry to be such a dag). Did the emergency vet mention anything about a possible reaction to her last vacc. on Friday? Hopefully it will turn out to be a simple puppy sickness that she will be completely over in a few days. Best wishes to her, please let us know what it ends up being and that she's fine, as soon as she is fine, which i'm sure will be very soon. :good:
she only mentioned that she had a crystalized area where her chip went in, it did cross my mind about the final vaccine, yep mushrooms, depends where the mushrooms came from, my local supermarket but this one hadnt been washed prior to her getting to it so presume it had some sort of pesticide on it. shes had a good day, feaces was rock solid and jet black today but it softened and turned lighter by the evening, shes been getting better as the day has gone on and has been playing ball with my nephews and met my dads 2 dogs for the first time, gemma his ***** put Diva right in her place BIG TIME, she taught her some manners, his dog Goerge werent to impressed with her either, miserable pair :lol: he did give her a nice departing though.

shes eating well and looks as if nothing happened but still going to the vet in the morning.

what got me is that it cost me £100 for her to see the vet last night so im gunna check to make sure it wasnt for being called out b/c i didnt call her out i went to her, will question the amount without doubt, but TBH i wouldnt put a price on her health but will be a little pived by if i find that she charged me extra just b/c she couldnt be A**ED to see her in the first place and i made her.

anyway her another pic of her that ive decided to frame

Shot with KODAK Z650 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2007-07-15
Phew! so glad she's on the mend.
We have a dog at work named Jemma that we have used many times specifically to teach an overboisterous pup some manners, must be something about the name eh?
I reckon the 100 pound bill will stick, i know that over here emergency after hours visits to the vet are ridiculously expensive, that's why we get insurance, but even so it's still pretty steep.
That's a great photo of her, she's got such a lovely face.
Any more thoughts on whether you want to breed from her?
I'm so happy for her that she's feeling better, be back to her usual self in no time i'm sure, but, as you say, probably best to have her vet check her out.
Thanks for the update (geez i'm a sucker for her! :blush: ), keep those cute pix coming!
Ps, did she have an upset tummy after her pig's ear? We get told not to feed them to dogs under six months, (but staffys do tend to have an iron gut!! :rolleyes: )
Yay Diva!!!!
Aww, well little Diva is so cute and sounds like such a smart lil puppy! Wish our Cid was a fast learner heh. He's got sit down though and I've almost got him to do down as well, but he doesn't like taking his eyes off the treat :p

Anyways.. I hope Diva is gonna be ok!

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