A good thing to do is always leave a small air powered sponge filter running in your main tank so that should the need arise to quarentine a fish you always have a mature filter that can just be transfered into the newly set up hospital tank.
When filling up your hospital tank it is not a good idea to fill it with water from your main tank, all the good bacteria live on hard surfaces within the tank and are not free swimming, the water may contain bad bacteria and parasites.
As mrV says a hospital tank should be a tank that you only employ when you have a problem or want to quarentine a new fish, it dosent need a substrate and should have just a few plastic plants and maybe a rock or piece of wood to make the fish feel comfortable.
When filling up your hospital tank it is not a good idea to fill it with water from your main tank, all the good bacteria live on hard surfaces within the tank and are not free swimming, the water may contain bad bacteria and parasites.
As mrV says a hospital tank should be a tank that you only employ when you have a problem or want to quarentine a new fish, it dosent need a substrate and should have just a few plastic plants and maybe a rock or piece of wood to make the fish feel comfortable.