Quarentine Tank Question


Fish Crazy
Jan 5, 2012
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I set up a quarantine tank on Friday using water from the display tank and an extra filter that my daughter was using. On Saturday, I bought some neons from Petsmart ($1 ea on sale, so I couldn't pass it up) and they seem to be doing fine, so far. Anyway, I was wondering how long I need to keep them in it to be sure they are not sick. In my research, I've read anywhere from at least 2 weeks to at least one month or more, so I was thinking three weeks would be safe. (?) :unsure:

My other question is that there is one VERY reputable LFS that has baby Sterbai cories and I want to purchase them before he sells them all--they usually don't last and are hard to find in general, nevermind such young ones. I highly doubt he would have any left in two to three weeks, much less a month. I was wondering if I should purchase a couple of them this coming Saturday and add them to the quarantine tank with the neons (as long as they still look healthy). :look:

Thanks for any advice/suggestions!
Well, I guess I was thinking that if the neons ARE sick (just not showing it at the time) than I'd be adding perfectly healthy fish to a sick environment, which has the potential to make things complicated. I know cories are sensitive to many meds and salt. Also, if I add sick cories to the mix, than I'd just be prolonging the time I need to keep the neons in the quarantine tank? Ok, after rereading this, I do sound a bit like I'm overanylizing it--have a tendency to do that. :rolleyes:

BUT, if you knew what I've been going through the past seven months with sick fish, you'd understand my over-analysys. ;)
why dont you reserve a few corys and once the quarentine of the neons is done then pick them up. if you add more fish to a quarentine tank then the whole process will have to start again due to the new fish.

2 weeks minimum really but the longer you can quarentine the better. if they seem ok up to a month then they should be fine :good:
Hmmm, I didn't think of reserving fish. I'll ask the owner if I can do that.

There is a benefit to picking them up this weekend though--I (and my poor couple of remaining cories in the display tank) won't have to wait even looooonger to be able to add them to the group.

Decisions, decisions..... :S

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