Quarantining New Betta Gal


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2008
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I got another Betta gal yesterday and I am going to be putting her with my three other gals in my 10g...how long should I quarantine her for? The LPS store where I got her is where I got my other Bettas...and the Bettas they sell there are, for the most part, in good condition...but I want to quarantine her just to be safe.
Definately a minimum of 2 weeks just to be on the safe side. Any pics yet?
Well she's just in a small bowl for right now...but thanks ya'll for responding! And I'll try and get some pics soon! :nod:
When you introduce her to the others, you might want to rearrange the tank so they're all trying to find their space. Sometimes newcomers can be picked on...
When you introduce her to the others, you might want to rearrange the tank so they're all trying to find their space. Sometimes newcomers can be picked on...

Yeah I will be doing that. And I will add her first to the tank then the others in order of who's boss.
When you introduce her to the others, you might want to rearrange the tank so they're all trying to find their space. Sometimes newcomers can be picked on...

Yeah I will be doing that. And I will add her first to the tank then the others in order of who's boss.

Hi, little_mermaid!
Perfect - as long as you meant reverse order of whoever's boss, so that the most aggressive is last.
And congrats on the new girl, and some others I somehow missed.
Hope there are pics I haven't got to yet?
Or some coming soon?
Nothing nicer than home decorating with betta tanks - although in my case I usually also wind up decorating in boxes of 'fish stuff' partly emptied all over the bed as well, lol.
Apart from the festive rows of warming water jugs down the side of the room...

Edit: noticed I missed a word - and who knows what else, lol.
When you introduce her to the others, you might want to rearrange the tank so they're all trying to find their space. Sometimes newcomers can be picked on...

Yeah I will be doing that. And I will add her first to the tank then the others in order of who's boss.

Hi, little_mermaid!
Perfect - as long as you meant reverse order of whoever's boss, so that the most aggressive is last.
And congrats on the new girl, and some others I somehow missed.
Hope there are pics I haven't got to yet?
Or some coming soon?
Nothing nicer than home decorating with betta tanks - although in my case I usually also wind up decorating in boxes of 'fish stuff' partly emptied all over the bed as well, lol.
Apart from the festive rows of warming water jugs down the side of the room...

Edit: noticed I missed a word - and who knows what else, lol.

Yeah that's what I meant :nod: And I'll definitely post pics of the gals soon! I posted some a little while back, but it's time for some sharing of recent pics! :D
three girls together may not be the best idea, because two could then gang up on the third. I would go ahead and pick out one more female at least and qt both the new girls for about 2 weeks, then mix the tank up and add them back in.

soooo.....go get more bettas:)
three girls together may not be the best idea, because two could then gang up on the third. I would go ahead and pick out one more female at least and qt both the new girls for about 2 weeks, then mix the tank up and add them back in.

soooo.....go get more bettas:)

Well actually...the three Betta gals that I have together get along just fine...sOoOo it really does depend on their personalities...I used to have a grand total of five and that was a complete nightmare. The two new gals that I had added tore up my three gals- and the one ended up getting sick and dying (one of her swimming fins was pretty much completely torn off and a blood clot formed and she died). I gave the mean one to my grandparents :rolleyes: She's just one of those females that's better on her own.

So I am hoping Bella is going to get along with Dolly, Reba, and Patsy :cool:
three girls together may not be the best idea, because two could then gang up on the third. I would go ahead and pick out one more female at least and qt both the new girls for about 2 weeks, then mix the tank up and add them back in.

soooo.....go get more bettas:)

I like your attitude!

Now, can I use the same reasoning to explain why I need more tanks, maybe so the floor sags evenly on all sides and the house doesn't tilt?

I'm hoping you'll come up with something better, since you had actual provable facts on your side in your advice to little_mermaid, and I might need some of those arguing the 'more tanks' thing.
There must be some somewhere...

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