Quarantine tank ??


Fish Fanatic
Mar 16, 2004
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Never used a quarantine tank before but now I am getting more serious with my hobby and I want to try to avoid any problems as I want to buy some fish.

I need to organise a quarantine tank.

Can I use just a small glass tank without heater (our temps keep water at 27 - 32 degrees anyway) .. without a filter ? Winter I will organise a heater or not buy fish for this tank.

Or does it have to be a whole proper run filtered tank.

Can I set it up with some of my cycled aquarium water of approximately 18 months.

Also, I was going to try my hand at breeding a pair of danios so they could be my first visitors to the new quarantine tank. Someone in another thread said use marbles on the bottom. Can I use any old washed marbles you buy or are there special aquarium marbles. Also may as well ask again here .. how do you tell danios apart? Do you have to get zebra male & female .. or can you mix and match .. or is this not a good idea.

Thanks from clueless :rofl:
As long as the water is kept at a constant temp within the fishys range then not adding the heater till winter would work. The filter is required as otherwise the water will become stagnent and not contain the air needed by the fishys.

Using media from an established tanks is a very good idea but I would wait for a couple of days before adding fish to ensure the new filter is well seeded.

As for the Danios..washed marbles would work and to tell the difference in sex..
Females are rounder in the belly and Males are usually much more vibrant colors.
Thanks. Looks like I will pull out my old eclipse 6g for a quarantine tank. It worked well before so I think it should do the job. I will run it for a few days prior to buying any new fishys.

Next I will go the the lfs and see if I can pick out a fat danio and a bright danio !!

So the quarantine part is to basically watch the fish don't develop any signs of illness etc before putting into my big tank right >>> I am clueless >>

Otherwise if they are fine after a week pop them straight into the big tank or still do the floating thing with water temp etc. :*)

Thanks again
Hey desley. I'd wait 2 weeks minimum in the quarantine tank before transferring. Also, you still have to acclimatize the fish into the new tank so you shouldn't just net them and toss them in unless you're absolutely sure the temperatures are the same.

As for your Eclipse, seed the filter in your established tank for a week or so. You can also float the bio-wheel in the established tank. Take some gravel from the established tank, put it in a clean nylon stocking and place in the Eclipse. This should seed the Eclipse nicely with bacteria. Once you place the filter, bio-wheel, and gravel in the Eclipse you will have to add an ammonia source (either fish or food or pure ammonia) right away or the good bacteria will start to die off. I'd personally just place the fish in right away after putting in the seeded media. Two danios should be okay in a 6 gallon tank for 2 weeks. Don't forget to monitor your ammonia/nitrite closely and be prepared to do partial water changes if you get spikes.
Hi Desley...I have a 10 gallon quarantine tank that I got from my sister that was being unused. Seeded it with gravel from my main tank. I keep some basic hardy fish in it to keep it cycled in case I need to quarantine someone from my main tank (danios are great). It has a basic Whisper outside power filter and the local lfs heater. I dont' use an airstone in my larger tank because of the great filtration and current. But for the small tank with a weak filter, I added an airstone and a cheapie air pump.I think the most important thing is to find a cheap way for the fish to hide. Small tanks and a transplanted sick fish will be stressed. Add one of the aquarium flower pots or....I found an inexpensive piece of driftwood with crevices and hollows for the fish to hide. As everyone said above, two weeks quarantine. It has saved my main tank twice. Most people don't get one, but, the first time you introduce new fish from the lfs to your main tank that you've worked on for months, well......Good luck. You're doing the right thing. SH
steelhealr said:
I have a 10 gallon quarantine tank that I got from my sister that was being unused. Seeded it with gravel from my main tank. I keep some basic hardy fish in it to keep it cycled in case I need to quarantine someone from my main tank (danios are great).
Actually 10g is too small to use danios as filler fish. A 2 wk quarantine is fine for danios in a small tank but beyond that they won't be happy in a 10g.
Thanks again for your help guys.

I am going to have to put this off until my injury inproves as it a bit harder than I thought. I am restricted to any heavy lifting or stress on my neck so am having trouble keeping up with the main tank .. which is why I wanted to get a quarantine tank too as 1 fish looks a bit sick (maybe need a post in the emergency later as I keep an eye on him) or he will have to just go into a bowl with aquarium water .. probably dying but hopefully saving the rest of my fish.

In the meantime it means no new fish from the lfs :no:

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