Quarantine Tank


New Member
Jul 27, 2010
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Hey everyone. I am very new to forums and fish keeping. I am starting a quarantine tank for saltwater fish. I have read and heard different opinions on if there should be sand and live rock in my quarantine tank. If anyone could offer me some assistance that would greatly appreciated. FYI my quarantine tank is an 8 gallon biocube. Thanks rob
Hello, welcome to TTF

I would personally leave sand out of it as it will just make your life easier when it comes time to clean the tank. No real benefit in having the sand in there. As for live rock, most quarantine tanks at one time or another will have medications used in them. Live rock will die when exposed to most medications so it's usually best to leave that out as well. Biocube has built in filtration, so simply pack it up with some type of filter media (make sure carbon is excluded when meds are being used).

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