Quarantine Question


Fish Fanatic
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
This might be stupid question, but here it goes anyway: if I ask my LFS to hold the fish for me for a few weeks, is this considered quarantining or does quarantining literally mean isolating the fish in a separate tank for a few weeks?

Sorry to sound ignorant, but I don't have a separate QT tank, and my LFS can hold the fish for me if need be.

The only thing w/the fish store holding it is their filtration system runs off one giant thing. So even if your fish doesn't have an illness now it still could contract one. Depending on the size of the fish, just pic up a 10g tank, small powerhead, and use a bit of live rock from your main tank for instant filtration. That's how I intend to do it when I get to the fish buying stage of the game. I quarantine any new coming freshwater fish as well. In that case I keep a sponge filter hidden in my fw tank so I can pull it out to use whenever I need to. Live rock is similar to the sponge filter concept. The only thing is if your fish gets sick in QT you need to clean the live rock after it's done being used which will kill the bacteria. However, the bacteria will regrow in the rock after a few months of being back in the main tank. (I boil my sponge filter if needed to clean it...like after keeping some wild crawdads for my hubby :crazy: )

Hope this makes sense for ya :) I kinda jibber jabber every now and then :blush:

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