Quarantine/Hospital tank


May 2, 2004
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Down a dark hole... Down a dark hole... with an ow
Hi there,

I have a 35ImpGal tank and wish to setup a small 5g/10g hospital/quarantine tank.

For a tank this size, would you recommend a fishless cycle to get it started, is it neccessary to cycle it? presumably it would need a permanent resident that is hardy and can withstand treatments and doesnt grow too big, obviously and is pretty compatible with most fish.?

Any ideas on Quarantine tanks and the best way to set one up would be MUCH appreciated....

I came accross a 7G tank, with filter, pump for £35, would need a heater + gravle etc...... any ideas?

Thanks ppl
I run the filter for my 10g hospital tank alongside the main filter on my 29g. That keeps the filter cycled and ready to go whenever I need the hospital tank.

For water, I leave it empty and use fresh, declorinated water to prevent stagnation. If you're using it for quarantine, using half water change water from the main tank may help with acclimation.
I would do a water change in my main tank and use that water to partway fill a 3.5 gal tank then add some fresh water. It's a totally bare tank other than the heater and the pump, after im done treating it's cleaned and put away.

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