Quarantine/Hospital Tank - Can you stock?

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Fish Fanatic
May 7, 2021
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Hey Everyone,

So the more research I do, the more I realise it is probably wise to create a quarantine/hospital tank.

I started the hobby two weeks ago and I know have a 50 gallon Goldfish and a 63 Gallon Cichlid (yet to be stocked) either side of the TV, the wife wasn't thrilled when I mentioned I needed a 3rd tank!!!!!

So to combat this (as I don't want to waste a bullet on a QT tank when I'm eyeing up a space for a Flowerhorn tank!!!) I am going to use the cabinet of the Ciano 120 to store a small QT/Hosp tank.

I have space for a 50L x 35H x 30W so this is about 14 Gallons.

I have a few questions.

  • Will this be ok under the display tank?
  • I don't want to keep setting up and taking down the tank each time it's needed as I think this will lead to me being lazy and skipping it sometimes and adding fish straight in.
  • Can I keep this tank lightly stocked so that it cycles constantly and is always ready for any impromptu purchases or accidents. These fish and small tank set up will just be at risk each time I QT.
  • If keep it stocked with guppies/neon tetras or similar will they be ok with QT'ing with cichlids?

Obviously I know this isn't the ideal situation but in my mind it would be better than skipping it.

Would like to hear thoughts on whether it can work
Possibly some zebra danios as they are pretty hardy. They could keep the tank cycled. It depends on the size of the cichlids but danios are pretty fast. I’ve never done it though. Good luck!
The on I have ended up with is a 5 gallon tank. 40 x 20 x 26 cm

Will this be o for quarantine for 3-5 fish at a time if I am keeping 5 or 6 Zebra Danios or Neon Tetras in there full time to keep in cycled?
I'm afraid 5 gallons is too small for neons or danios for more than a couple of weeks. They can be quarantined in there but not kept permanently in there. Neons need a tank at least 60 cm/24 inches long for a permanent home, and danios need even bigger as they are such fast swimming fish. To be honest, I can't think of any fish that could be kept permanently in a 5 gallon tank, which can be moved out temporarily when it's to be used for quarantine.

I have quarantined fish using only plants and never saw a trace of ammonia or nitrite. I used 2 large water sprite plants and 2 bunches of elodea (anacharis) left to float. This is one option you could use - just buy a lot of cheap fast growing plants at the same time as fish.
I'm afraid 5 gallons is too small for neons or danios for more than a couple of weeks. They can be quarantined in there but not kept permanently in there. Neons need a tank at least 60 cm/24 inches long for a permanent home, and danios need even bigger as they are such fast swimming fish. To be honest, I can't think of any fish that could be kept permanently in a 5 gallon tank, which can be moved out temporarily when it's to be used for quarantine.

I have quarantined fish using only plants and never saw a trace of ammonia or nitrite. I used 2 large water sprite plants and 2 bunches of elodea (anacharis) left to float. This is one option you could use - just buy a lot of cheap fast growing plants at the same time as fish.

thanks Essjay,

I have upgraded to a tank 45x30x32 with is 11 gallons and will try and decide whether to have fish in it or to set it up each time I need to quarantine/hospital fish
thanks Essjay,

I have upgraded to a tank 45x30x32 with is 11 gallons and will try and decide whether to have fish in it or to set it up each time I need to quarantine/hospital fish
Sorry for jumping in on this, but I’m new and thinking about stock for my new tank in a few weeks. A quarantine tank/hospital tank is something that pops into my head periodically... but I’m confused about having it stocked all the time. Can I ask, if there are already fish in it, what do you do with those while you are quarantining new and unknown stock, or, if you have a sick fish that needs to be isolated?
The fish have to be moved to another tank. Since they have effectively been in quarantine, it is safe to do this - but stressful for the fish involved.

What a lot of people do is have a heavily planted tank with no fish in, then when new fish are bought, they go into this planted tank for a few weeks.
Jump away :) sounds like we are both i similar situations so the more questions the better on my opinion.

I'm assuming that they get taken out and added to one of your display tanks?

On the note of 10 gallons, if I am looking to add Cichlids in 3-5
Do the plants keep the
The fish have to be moved to another tank. Since they have effectively been in quarantine, it is safe to do this - but stressful for the fish involved.

What a lot of people do is have a heavily planted tank with no fish in, then when new fish are bought, they go into this planted tank for a few weeks.
Do the plants keep the tank fully cycled?

Would planted work with cichlids or will they destroy it?
Plants do keep a tank fully cycled. There won't be many, if any at all, bacteria but the plants will remove all the ammonia.

I'm not sure about Rift Lake cichlids and plants though. Someone who knows them in detail would be able to help better than me. But for non-Rift Lake cichlids (American cichlids and African cichlids like kribs) plants are OK.
Jump away :) sounds like we are both i similar situations so the more questions the better on my opinion.

I'm assuming that they get taken out and added to one of your display tanks?

On the note of 10 gallons, if I am looking to add Cichlids in 3-5
Thank you ?
Ok so the more I've researched I've decided and bought an 11 gallon tank and will not keep it stocked.

Instead I have bought a sponge corner filter and heater to put in the tank.

My question is that I will be keeping the sponge filter in my main tank to go back and forth between QT/Hospital when needed so it is instantly cycled.

Can I put this back in the main tank after QT/Hospital? Are there specific treatments that mean I can't put it back?

I was thinking of QT for 2 weeks using aquarium salt and stress guard for QT?
I have set up a 10g in the stand of my 125g.
My plan is to have something in it to maintain the cycle with parameters as close to my main tank as possible to ease transfers from one to the other. I may add a few plants and hideaways for fish comfort even though its out of sight, they need as little stress as possible.
The intent is not hospital per say more quarantining new adds as my sources will be online shipped fish or Petsense.... but can be used so if needed.
From my personal experience once you house fish permanently in your quarantine tank it becomes just another thank and you end up having to set up a new aquarium if you truly need to use a quarantine tank. My vote would be for a heavily planted no fish tank like @Essjay suggests.

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