

Fish Addict
Apr 5, 2004
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hiya all thought i would show some of my quail of more so for xxsarahxx
hope you like the chick pics are old and the adult birds are what i have now


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The chicks are gorgeous sweetheart! I think they're really cute! You can cuddle these too!!
Guys..... for those that don't know unfortunately Clover has had to stop breeding and keeping Bettas because of these guys and is finding it really tough so I suggested she posted these so we could swoon over them instead.
She has chicks expected to hatch anyday too!!!
Clover, sweetie, they are really gorgeous and I truly feel that it will get easier with the Bettas when you have new chicks and you have to put a lot of time into them your mind won't keep thinking Bettas, Bettas, Bettas!
:p lol thanks xxsarahxx ur right chicks due to hatch tomorrow (friday)
will defo be takeing some pics of them for all to see these will be the rare colours of japanese quail ( the big quail in the pics)
xxsarahxx has been great thanks very much hun

Edit:- lol i wish it would but i also have baby bettas to look after atho they are at the teenage stage right now lol but i hope i wont think about them to much
You will get there sweetie, as I said I do think you'll get through this and it will get easier.
Also when you can have Bettas again you will appreciate them even more. Plus...... those things are SO cute!!!
At least you do have one set of betta babies left at the moment so you are sort of weaning yourself off them if that makes sense. You haven't had to say goodbye to all of them all at once! Plus, you know you are always welcome down here to see your babies that I now have.
They are lovely
Every time I see any Im tempted to get some.Ive been totally fascinated by birds since I was a child. I used to chase the hens,bantams, ducks etc on my grandmothers farm.I still keep fancy pigeons and 4 budgies
Iknow nothing about quail and am always reluctant to ask in case I end up buying some!!!!Rest assured I will be keeping a close eye on this thread as well as Sarah
Thanks for sharing :D
thanks quails are the best if kepted in bird pens as u say u have budgies they pick up all the spilt seeds.
i always think the call of the japanese quail sounds like you should be in a rain forrest or something lol

if anyone here has seen little britan there is one on there called ann chinese painted quail make a sound like her that eh eh ehhhhhhhh
lol tiss funny sound
Are they inteligent animals? I think they are super cute but confuse me. They seem very aware and attentive to their young, but well honestly I have seen them do some very dumb things. So what are their personalities like?

I have been wanting to get some hens, and everyone is trying to sway me to doves which I dont think are attractive at all. What does it take to keep Quail? Do they winter well or would I have to move them indoors?
On a side note I work for the post office and I have shipped them in my truck. Had them in the cab with me to keep them from being banged around. Kept peeking thru the holes at me :).
aww bless i didnt know u could post quail lol, the do winter well the japanese are best as there eggs are yummy :p chinese like abit more cover and somwhere to get out of the worst weather like any animal.
my wild type japs are`tame as anything they even talk to me when i go in this very soft and sweet noise like they are still chick but they wont do this with anyone else mind u i am all they have know from the sec they came out of there eggs. both types come in many colours and are very easy, i keep a trio in 4ft runs for breeding groups and all other outside in a massive avary. they eat bidguie seed chick crumb cucumber all sorts
Oh my gosh!!! They are so ADORABLE! I am in love... :wub: :wub: :wub: I've been wanting to get some dutch bantam chickens, but maybe I'll go for quail instead. :)
i used to keep bantams and chickens to i had d'uccles pekins araucanas RIR white star plantation blue and one duck lol
Told you everyone would swoon over them!!!
I'm so happy for you that they started piping today!!
Hatching can't be too far away now!! YAY!! More cute pictures¬
there lovely, i hatchhed aload of my own quail chicks of a while a grow there are so cute at that age, i only have one male at the bottom of my avaity as his mate died of old age, but he did have ducklings to kep him company, as i hatched 7 duckilng of from eggss, there running around the garden now :lol:
awww bless well i only have one pic right now but 5 have hatched and some more have piped today i will get more once they have all dried out and fluffy.


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