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for a 29 gal and a 30 gal

  • the emperor 280!

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  • the penguin defently!

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I use aquaclears, they are great. :D I will put one on my growout tank when the fry are big enough :D Very simple to maintain and clean and very quiet, pretty cheap too.
As far as I know, there are two main reasons that cansiter filters are considered better than HOB filters.

1) With a canister, you're guaranteed that 100% of the water flows through the filter media. In HOB filters, it's possible that some water can bypass the filters, and is merely recirculated.

2) In a canister, the water flows through more filter media on its trip through the filter.

From what I understand (secondhand), canister filter maintenance can be more complicated, but also is usually done less often than with HOB filters.

While canisters may be better filters, they certainly aren't necessary. A Penguin 330, Emperor 280, or AquaClear 300 are all good filters, and any of them should be more than sufficient for either of your tanks.
konrad05 said:
HOB are hang on back, the typical type of filters. Canisters are containers full of filtration media that sit underneath your tank, hidden away. Spend the extra money and get a canister, stay away from the fluvals though, don't let the cheap price get you. HTH and good luck!
being an owner of 2 fluvals I see no merit to that comment. It's FAR superior to the magnum 350 that is replaced. maintenance is very easy. it holds a lot of media and if directions are followed priming is actually very easy takes less than 3-4 strokes to get it running. It moving a 2 inch long plunger up and down 3 times is too much work people need to get out of the hobby.
for a 29 gallon either one of those 2 HOB filters is just fine there isn't a need for a cannister filter on that size tank. I'd go with the emperor but since both emperor and penguin are made by marineland its really no big deal. I'm actually going to be using either a emperor 330 or 400 on my 37 gallon.
Lateral Line said:
I never use anything but Eheims.
I don't.

I use Eheim Ecco 2233s in my biggest tank and when it came to getting a filter for the cube I was going to get one. Until that is I realised that I could buy an Atman 3337 with a flowrate of 1000lph as opposed to Eheim's 480lph for the same price.

I know have the Atman going and IMO it is much better than this particular Eheim.

Just saying that the name alone guarantees nothing but a bigger dent in your pocket.
well ...this is starting to confuse me a looot more than what i was, althought i learned that you dont need canister filters for a 29 or a 30 first becuz i tried to look for them and i didnt see any canister filter below 35 Gallons so pretty much i figured out that that wouldnt work, adn second becuz you sed it guys :) and so... im going wih the emperors :D thnx everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if theres something i should know post it right now or shut for ever! :lol:

thanx again and thanx sky042 for the last post cuz the previous one got me reaaaaaaaally confused :S:S:S
Sky042 said:
konrad05 said:
HOB are hang on back, the typical type of filters. Canisters are containers full of filtration media that sit underneath your tank, hidden away. Spend the extra money and get a canister, stay away from the fluvals though, don't let the cheap price get you. HTH and good luck!
being an owner of 2 fluvals I see no merit to that comment. It's FAR superior to the magnum 350 that is replaced. maintenance is very easy. it holds a lot of media and if directions are followed priming is actually very easy takes less than 3-4 strokes to get it running. It moving a 2 inch long plunger up and down 3 times is too much work people need to get out of the hobby.
Actually, fluvals are bad for many reasons, from structure to operation. A long time ago when I had my fluval 304, and something broke, I took it to my LFS and they told me it's "the worst canister filter you can find". They said if I didn't believe them, plug the compartments which hold the filter media, and you will see the the flow rate decreases only slightly or even not at all. So I got the replacement part, took it home and tried what they said, and what do you know, filter kept going on plugged media! Not only that but priming the dam thing was horrible! It's a fluke if you can get it to start on "3 strokes". Sound was also terrible, louder than the loudest HOB! Hope that helps anybody who ever plans on getting a fluval. If a good canister is too expensive, get the best HOB at least!
konrad05 said:
Sky042 said:
konrad05 said:
HOB are hang on back, the typical type of filters. Canisters are containers full of filtration media that sit underneath your tank, hidden away. Spend the extra money and get a canister, stay away from the fluvals though, don't let the cheap price get you.  HTH and good luck!
being an owner of 2 fluvals I see no merit to that comment. It's FAR superior to the magnum 350 that is replaced. maintenance is very easy. it holds a lot of media and if directions are followed priming is actually very easy takes less than 3-4 strokes to get it running. It moving a 2 inch long plunger up and down 3 times is too much work people need to get out of the hobby.
Actually, fluvals are bad for many reasons, from structure to operation. A long time ago when I had my fluval 304, and something broke, I took it to my LFS and they told me it's "the worst canister filter you can find". They said if I didn't believe them, plug the compartments which hold the filter media, and you will see the the flow rate decreases only slightly or even not at all. So I got the replacement part, took it home and tried what they said, and what do you know, filter kept going on plugged media! Not only that but priming the dam thing was horrible! It's a fluke if you can get it to start on "3 strokes". Sound was also terrible, louder than the loudest HOB! Hope that helps anybody who ever plans on getting a fluval. If a good canister is too expensive, get the best HOB at least!
sounds like you got a bad one. I can't even hear my 304 run under neath my 46

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