Python Water Siphon

Mako Man111

Jun 11, 2006
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When using the python to fill my tank straight from the tab, is that a bad idea due to the clorine in the water? Or is it alright to add the de-clorinator after I add the water to the tank?
I usually add it in while I'm filling it with water. No problems so far.

The only problems I have with mine is my Clown Loaches get nosy and want to swim up the gravel vac part. They are too curious for their own good. They remind
me of my cat!
I know this is no good for chloramines...but I seem to remember reading that aslong as you only change 25% of the water at a time chlorine is not an issue when using a python because the python aerates the water. I think this is not true...but I remember reading it.

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