Pygmy/ Dwarf Corys


Fish Crazy
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Ann Arbor, MI USA
Does anyone know of a place to procure these? Local LFS doesn't have them and I love to keep them in my 40gal long in hopes of breeding.

it may help if you say what part of the world you live in ;)
Hi anvil63 :)

The-Wolf is right; you should update your profile. Not only will it help us answer your question, but could help in the future too. For example, if you need advice about medication or other products, the members could then recommend specific brands and courses of treatment, since they vary from country to country.

If you are in the US, I know of a fish seller who has C. pygmaeus, and would be happy to recommend him to you. :D
If you are in the US, I know of a fish seller who has C. pygmaeus, and would be happy to recommend him to you. :D

I will be looking for some C. pygmaeus soon as well. Would that happen to be the same seller of the other cories you told me about?

Hi Barracuda518, :)

No, this time I was going to suggest you check with Betterbettas. I'm sure you've seen his posts on this forum and can tell he knows his stuff about corys. I've bought quite a few fish from him and have been quite happy with them. :thumbs:

Here's a link to an auction he's running on AquaBid, but you could probably send him a PM if you have any questions about them.

He's in Florida and I hope he is getting through the hurricane OK.
Yeah, I have been watching those auctions. I am definately considering ordering from BetterBetta once I get my cory tank up and running. He has some really good cories for sell :thumbs:

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