Fish Crazy
Is a regular 29 gallon tank to tall for pygmy cory's, I am thinking about putting a dozen or so in one this weekend.
They will be fine in a tank that tall. I have mine in a 29.Is a regular 29 gallon tank to tall for pygmy cory's, I am thinking about putting a dozen or so in one this weekend.
Thanks, I have a spotted raphael in the tank also, should I move it into my 55 gallon tank. I'm afraid he might decide to have lunch with one of these little guys.They will be fine in a tank that tall. I have mine in a 29.Is a regular 29 gallon tank to tall for pygmy cory's, I am thinking about putting a dozen or so in one this weekend.
Sorry, can't help you on that one.Thanks, I have a spotted raphael in the tank also, should I move it into my 55 gallon tank. I'm afraid he might decide to have lunch with one of these little guys.They will be fine in a tank that tall. I have mine in a 29.Is a regular 29 gallon tank to tall for pygmy cory's, I am thinking about putting a dozen or so in one this weekend.