Pygmy Cory Tank-mates?


Jun 15, 2004
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Hi there. I've got a 30" x 12" x 16" planted tank with plenty of bogwood and mopani wood which at the moment only has 3 polkadot loach (Botia kubotai) and several amano shrimp inhabiting it. I used to have a group of tiger barbs in there, but have rehomed them as I was getting a lot of aggressive behaviour and bullying between the barbs.
I'm now looking at different species of fish to stock my tank with... peaceful species! I love my polkadot loach, they are so fun to watch and are always on the move. I love catfish in general and I know that everyone who keeps corys is totally in love with their cute little personalities. I've not kept them before, but rather like the idea of having a small group in my tank.
The fact that pygmy's are so tiny would mean that I could have a nice group of them, rather than just a trio but I'm concerned about tankmates as their size leaves them vulnerable to predation. Even though they will eventually reach 4-5" (currently they are about 2.5"), my polkadots have never been an issue so far as aggressive behaviour is concerned... they happily sit and munch on sinking food with the amano shrimp (even the very tiny ones) without bothering anyone. However, I had in mind that I might get a pearl gourami and a few small shoaling fish (some sort of tetra or rasbora) for the middle/top of the tank. Since the pearl gourami reaches about 4" in size I don't know if it would be suitable. If it's not I'll probably go for panda corys, but just have a few less of them.

Thanks in advance! Any and all comments or suggestions are welcome. ^_^
You might have more response if you asked the mod's to move this to Tropical Discussion.

You can get away with 10 pygmies in that tank quite happily. As for tank mates, again you've got plenty of options. Saying that, you're sig mentions tiger barbs which can be quite nippy - have you still got them?
Hi there. I've got a 30" x 12" x 16" planted tank with plenty of bogwood and mopani wood which at the moment only has 3 polkadot loach (Botia kubotai) and several amano shrimp inhabiting it. I used to have a group of tiger barbs in there, but have rehomed them as I was getting a lot of aggressive behaviour and bullying between the barbs.
I'm now looking at different species of fish to stock my tank with... peaceful species!

Nope, tiger barbs are all gone! So would you think that a pearl gourami would be OK with pygmy cories?
Thanks for the info about male pearls. And also the link on honey gouramis... they are very lovely looking fish. I have to admit that after a visit to MA today I came home with a pearl gourami :blush:. I really like them, I think they are so elegant looking. So perhaps I will pass on the pygmy cories. After all the trouble I had with my tiger barbs killing each other and ripping each others fins off (even though they started off in a group of 6) I can't be doing with any more fishy massacres! So I'll keep the tankmates 1.5-2" minimum to be safe! I also got a little trio of otocinclus while I was there. They looked really healthy with good rounded abdomens, so hopefully they will do well. I always have a fair amount of brown algae on the sides and back of my tank which I don't bother to scrape off so they've got plenty of food to be getting on with for the time being.
Thanks again for the advice. I'll stick to not-so-pygmy tankmates to be on the safe side.

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