Pygmy Cories With Female Betta?


Fish Herder
Aug 28, 2009
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Hi everyone,

Right now I have a 10-gallon tank with one female betta. She's still really small with tiny fins. . . the tank was just set up (I moved her from a 2-gallon bowl to a the tank yesterday - I would have waited until the tank cycled but the ammonia in the bowl was rising too quickly and also I want to put a heater in for her).

Once the tank has cycled a bit, I'd like to add more fish.

What are your thoughts on combining a female betta with 3 pigmy cories? I read they like to be in larger groups, but I don't want my tank overstocked and am looking for just a few fish.

Also, do cories handle cycling easily? Seems like it'll take forever for the tank to cycle with just one fish.

Thanks for advice/help.
Hi everyone,

Right now I have a 10-gallon tank with one female betta. She's still really small with tiny fins. . . the tank was just set up (I moved her from a 2-gallon bowl to a the tank yesterday - I would have waited until the tank cycled but the ammonia in the bowl was rising too quickly and also I want to put a heater in for her).

Once the tank has cycled a bit, I'd like to add more fish.

What are your thoughts on combining a female betta with 3 pigmy cories? I read they like to be in larger groups, but I don't want my tank overstocked and am looking for just a few fish.

Also, do cories handle cycling easily? Seems like it'll take forever for the tank to cycle with just one fish.

Thanks for advice/help.

Ive kept dwarf/pygmy corys with a male betta so id assume they would be fine with a female
Depends on the betta. Some of them are really sneaky killers who really know how to pick 'em off without arousing suspicion... trust me! Pygmies are $6 CDN where I am, so I'm afraid to try it buy hey if they're cheap where you're from-- there's only one way to find out! What I can tell you is that yes, bettas (females too) are capable of eating fish 1 inch in length or smaller.

And I would really put at least 6 in there if I were you... they are microscopic-- smaller than what you would expect from pictures. I would even hesitate to say they reach a full inch! I have 8 and they just disappear in my 10g!
Pygmies are much smaller than I expected! I just got back from the fish store and the gal there showed them to me and then confirmed that my betta may eat them. lol They're only $2.99 here, but still, I'd have to buy 3+ and that adds up.

So, instead I came home with three rasboras. . .a bit bigger. . .

My betta has issues. I added an extra plant in before putting the new fish in and she BIT me TWICE. I've been training her to eat from my hands, but seems that's made her more courageous than ever.

I have to add, though, that the pygmies are adorable. May make for great mates in my guppy tank and I will get a three of them when that tank is ready.

They do work for many people, but it always depends on the betta.

Also you should add more than 3 pygmy's, they will be a lot more happier in bigger groups. I think about 6 or 7 should be fine in 10 gallons with the betta.

But you should cycle the tank first.
The pygmys are on my list of possibilities! Still deciding what I want long-term. The betta is fine on her own, but the tank looks silly with just one tiny fish swimming around! lol I put three rasboras in just to fill in the space. If all goes good with them, I'll add two more.
Cool :) If you planted the tank up you could easily even swing, say, a school of rasboras and a handful of normal-sized cories. Then it would be a full-on community!
Cool :) If you planted the tank up you could easily even swing, say, a school of rasboras and a handful of normal-sized cories. Then it would be a full-on community!
Sounds good. My female betta keeps staring at me through the glass as if I've tortured her by adding the rasboras. lol
Well, I couldn't resist the cories. I bought four pygmy ones this afternoon. They will be going in with my guppies who are in a planted tank. Hopefully they like it in there! Later once the 10-gallon/Female Betta/Rasboras tank is set to go, I'll try a few out there as well. Maybe the ones I bought today will make babies! lol

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