Pygmy Cories ;O)


Fish Aficionado
Aug 20, 2009
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land of the scots!
Ok, so just got off the phone from another LFS. They said they will try and get them in for me soon.

A few questions;

1.) Price?
2.) How many are needed so they are not stressed?
3.) Do they only eat Algea Wafers?
4.) Do the breed easily?

Hope someones able to help :good:
Hey! I aint the best person but here are my limited answers!

1. £3-6
2. Usually groups of 6 though some may say 3
3. They will eat crushed frozen foods such as bloodworm, crushed flake, mine eat Hikari Shrimp Pellets
4. Well..had mine oh 2ish weeks and now have 23 babies and some eggs that shouldve hatched by now :good:
1) I'd pay up to £2 each, altho will think anything over £1 is a rip off and have seen them for £5 each.
2) 6+
3) Cory pellets might be better - slightly meatier diet. They will eat and food they can get their mouths on.
4) Yes, but the fry are harder to raise then normally because they are smaller then most so need extra fine food.
Thanks Amy and Kat. :good: On Tri-mar they are aroubd £1.50 but my at my local P@H they are £5.99 :crazy:

i wonder how much the LFS will charge :unsure:
I've ordered form Trimar before, and visited the shop too when I was on holiday in the area.. the service was excellent both times and the fish were well looked after. To save on the shipping costs, I got together with another two people (friend and dude from my local fish club) so it worked out to £3.36 each for the shipping (also super convenient for the other two as they couldn't be at home at the time of delivery, while I could).
Ouch, they were still £10 normal when I ordered! But seriously, do ask at your local club :) When we got the fish, I think we ended up getting about 30 odd between the three of us, including a foot long shovelnose and a matching pleco.. I think their standard boxes would easily take the equivalent of about 100 pygmies :)
Oh thanks for the advice, i dont know if you read my other thread but ive got ahold of a nslfs (not so local fish shop) that will phone there supplier to see if they can get them in for me :)

Hope they can!

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