pvc pipe and other safe materials


Nov 4, 2003
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yeah i need to know what type of plastics n stuff are safe for fish, i know pvc pipe is safe for them(kuz you all use it) but what other stuff is safe? how can i tell whats safe and whats not?(like what to look for) the reason im asking is because tomarrow or the next day imma goto the local hardware store and find some junk to make some small tunnels/hidding spots and i wanted to know whats what, thx in advance
I would stick with the pvc pipe.

Although most anything with a nonporous suface should be ok.

Avoid metals though.

pvc pipe is cool yea... anything plastic SHOULD be fine id think... but of course wash it well..... some plastics might be toxic... but not sure :X
umm apperently none, i went there and asked for clear piping he said he dont carry any and id have to goto a specialist store to find some...
hi all there are some other types of plastic pipe that are readily available. one of them is called abs it is black plastic very similar to pvc not usre if it safe in tank but i would think so. also clear palstic or glass pipe is available but hard to find. your best bet is a plumbing supply house however this will probable cost a lot of money. very rarely there is clear aircraft tubing that has a large diameter but i have seen nothing over 1.5 inches.
hope this helps
hey how do i get the sticky stickers off the pipes? i soaked um in water then scrubbed the death out of them to get all the stickiness off, the sticker comes off fine but it leaves that sticky residue... :(
"Goo-Gone" or lighter fluid usually do the trick, if boiling them and scratching them off doesn't work. Make sure to wash them extremely well (maybe even boil them a second time) after using Goo-Gone or lighter fluid.
oh heh i didnt boil them, i just stuck them in hot water... :p
northampton_matt said:
what about terracotta pipes, plant pots etc...

Are these safe for aquarium use?

:) Yes terracotta is fine, if preused boil, if new wash
Hi guys!

I work for a large plastic pipes manufacturer in the UK in the Technical Queries/Design office. There are several sorts of plastic pipes out there commonly used for different plumbing applications which should be safe for use in the aquarium. None of them will contaminate the water but whether fishes will get a tummy ache from chewing on it........I will have to find that one out. We do get people asking some odd questions and using pipe for some strange things...hmmm. :hyper:

uPVC is available in 4" and 6" commonly.
ABS, MUPVC & Polypropylene (PP) are available in 1¼, 1½ + 2" commonly.

These should all be available from plumbing or builders merchants or even DIY stores for not too much cost. See if you can get an off-cut or the end of a damaged length of pipe, yard hands seem to be talented at driving forklift trucks over them!! :D

Happy hunting :fun:

Cavafish :fish:

P.S. Black, white, grey, and brown should be available. I'm sooooo sad :*)
from a post I made in Chit Chat......

If you have ABS pipes in your tank. You might want to take them out. I was reading some DIY sites online and came accross this......

>> I've seen black PVC in the drainage and irrigation
>> section of Lowe's and Home Depot.

> The reason it is in the drainage and irrigation
> section is because it isn't PVC. It's ABS, and in
> the US is illegal to use for supply plumbing.
> In continuous contact with water it will leach
> chemicals used in plastic manufacture known
> as "plasticizers". These things are toxic, and I
> would strongly recommend against using it in your
> aquarium.


I haven't noticed any harmful effects with my fish, but I took it out anyway just to be on the safe side. Figured I'd post here in case anyone else has ABS pipes and just assumed that since PVC is "safe" for aquariums, that ABS would be as well.
Nice research Wheelman. I didn't know that.

As I said I work for the largest plastic pipe manufacturer in the UK so I will check out the facts with our labs and clear up any doubts there are out there.

The sort of pipes people would be looking to use in aquariums are the ones used for waste here in the UK so being in contact with potable water isnt really an issue but would be in the fish tank. Hmmmm.................. :huh:

I will check it out. :thumbs:

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