Putting water from est tank into a new Tank


New Member
Dec 18, 2003
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Im going to put a few gallons of water from my 29 established tank into my new 55 Is this a good idea? and if it is should i also add a few drops of amonia with it ?
When I first got my 55, i took filter medium as well as gravel and water from my other tanks, and it did indeed speed up the process alot. Are you going to do a fishless cycle on your 55?
water, not so much really. what you'd want is filter media as said above and even some gravel from an established tank (keep both the filter media and the gravel wet during the switching out process so you don't kill off the beneficial bacteria). this will help kick start things off nicely and cycling won't take long at all that way.

you have test kit yet?
Yup, any physical surface in the aquarium can act as a starter for your new tank, filter media, gravel, rocks etc. But all you accomplish by transerring the water is adding old fish water to your new setup, the bacteria is not free swimming, and as such is not actually in the water column itself.

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