putting together a strictly gouramis tank


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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Are there any breeds of gouramis not compatible with each other. This is going to be a tank with nothing other than gouramis in it.
My tank is: 1 male opaline, 1 female gold, i female platinum, 2 pearl, 2 paradise, 6 dwarf neon rainbows, 3 julii corys. All are fairly small and will be moved into a 75 gallon soon. I hear that moonlights are pretty peaceful, like pearls. Having a school is nice to add distractions/reduce aggressions. Try and get smaller 3 spot varieties then timid ones. Makes a beautiful tank!!!!!! I love mine!!!! I have been looking everywhere for banded gouramis (colisa fasciata) can't find them, and I'd like to add snakeskins when I get a bigger tank.
Hi Sky042 :D

If you are not planning on breeding gouramis, I suggest you buy all females. :nod:

Males gouramis tend to be very territorial, but females seem to get along as a group. I have a 20 gallon tank with nine blue 3-spots and one pearl gourami. They are all females and I have no problem with them at all.

I also have one pearl and one 3-spot male in my 55 gallon and even though it has several large plants in it, they constantly chase each other across the length of the tank.

Contrary to what I always seem to hear, the pearl male is not calm and peaceful at all. He dominates the blue male, although they are about the same size.
Hi Mesome :)

I have always loved the moonlight gouramis. :thumbs: IMHO, they are the most graceful of the gouramis. And the platinum, which is not to common here, is a beauty too.

Snakeskin gouramis turn up from time to time in the lfs here. They are not really a good choice for an aquarium since they tend to get rather large. In some countries they are raised as a food fish. Here's a link with some information about them:

OH MY!!!! My LSF told me that they get to be 6-8"max.....Not sure exactly wht that is in cm, but that link said they get 25cm, and that has to be bigger than 8 inches....to late for my brain to do metric/us conversion......hmmmmmm....they always seem to tell you what you want to hear.... Do you ever see the banded gouramis there? I have never even talked to anyone who has seen one...just in books....wonder how they are with other gouramis.....

There is a definate pecking order within my gouramis, and they do occasionally bicker. I found that the more I added, the less intense the fighting seemed to be...
Mesome said:
...I found that the more I added, the less intense the fighting seemed to be...
Hi Mesome :)

I'd wondered about that. Originally I was going to separate my gouramis by gender to see if that theory held true. After all, you don't see male dwarfs fighting among themselves when they're at the lfs. -_-

Well, my cory cats spawned and that took up the tank I was planning to stock with male gouramis, so I never did it. :no: It's an interesting theory, though it does raise the issue of whether keeping a lot of males together in a small space is unnatural and could be in effect, "breaking their spirit."

I've never seen a banded gourami. It seems like I'm actually seeing fewer gouramis these days than I used to. It's a shame, they are such nice fish, too :sad:
That's sad to think of a broken spirited fish. :-(

I think in my tank, and I haven't asked my fish :D that that everyone scuffles a bit, but with more gouramis it prevents one from getting picked on all the time. I also have some females in there, and they are WAY more aggressive then the males. I think he may like to see the women fighting over him.... :whistle:
I have seen a banded in person. COOL!!!!

My books say they are very timid and will starve if put with more aggressive tank mates. I would do either all dwarfs or all larger gourami and not mix.

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