Putting hands in water

The goldfishies i used to keep would rub up against my arm like they were cats and liked to settle onto my open palm. (They also would take food from my hand.) I felt bad after hearing about touching them damaging the slime coat, but it didn't seem to bother them. :unsure:
Its all about trust. Once the fish have seen you for the thousandth time. You know....faced plastered to the glass, with your biggest and cheesiest grin, fingers waggin' away.......they kinda get used to you. Of course, I don't do such a thing...... :cool:
I don't think any of those fish would bite you (do shrimp bite?) and I don't think they have big enough mouths to take a chunk out of you.
I just have to share this. My platties and mollies usually swim through my fingers when my hands are in the water, but get this:

My plec will come up and touch my finger with his nose (or whatever you would call the front part of his head)! It's the coolest thing, especially since they're supposed to be shy and nocturnal.

I think it's pretty cool... :rolleyes:

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