Just get some trisomic grass carp for ******'s sake, geez. They look enough like goldfish to fool a kid, are relatively cheap, and cannot reproduce and thus potentially destroy the ecosystem. As a bonus you will actually get to spot them as adults, since they grow HUGE and you can sometimes see them munching plant matter in the shallows. My uncle used to have some in his pond and they were neato to watch. Hell, just do that and everyone's happy.
The reason no one was directly answering your question is because what you are planning to do is not safe for the environment and you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. It's less of a problem if the pond is as isolated as you think, but chances are it's not. My grandmother has a man-made pond behind her house that now has a natural inlet and outlet, both of which are hard to find as they are connected to very tiny shallow streams, but it was enough to introduce catfish into the pond when only perch were initially stocked.
What you have to think about is that even if the pond is isolated now, that may not always be the case... and when a pond stocked with goldfish develops a connection with other natural bodies of water, well... you get the picture.
Please watch your language!