Put amano shrimp into established tank


Fish Addict
Oct 10, 2018
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Hi- in my 30 gallon native North American fish, I have one blue spotted sunfish and one rainbow darter left. I know the sunfish is 4 years old because i happened upon the purchase receipt. The rainbow darters is about the same age.
Not sure how long these fish will live, but when they die, i would like to put my amano shrimp
(7) in the 30 gallon.
My question is what would I have to do to the established tank to make it safe for shrimp? The tank has 2-3 inches gravel and well planted- plastic- but enough to look right. I have a sponge filter and a skimmer in it. Obviously the wave maker units will have to go. They would chew up small shrimp.
Any advice would be welcomed.
Should be fine. Any sunfish would immediately eat an amano shrimp, but once they're gone it shouldn't need any huge modifications. Amano shrimp need some algae to graze on and clean water. As long as they have that, they're pretty easy to plase.
Should be fine. Any sunfish would immediately eat an amano shrimp, but once they're gone it shouldn't need any huge modifications. Amano shrimp need some algae to graze on and clean water. As long as they have that, they're pretty easy to plase.
Thanks. :)
I have quite a few in a 45 gallon tall, tank... & there is not a lot of hair algae in the tank, & my shrimp are dare I say "aggressive"... they swim to the top for floating food, & even chased around the school of new juvenal Congo Tetras... not saying a Sunfish wouldn't gobble them up, but adult Armano shrimp can hold their own... smaller ones not so much, even my medium sized Angel Fish used to eat them...
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Should be fine. Any sunfish would immediately eat an amano shrimp, but once they're gone it shouldn't need any huge modifications. Amano shrimp need some algae to graze on and clean water. As long as they have that, they're pretty easy to plase.
They'll also make due with uneaten fish food or whatever they can find. When I first got my amanos, I bought some algae tabs to give them. I never use those now. I don't do anything to feed my shrimps or snails except what I give my fish.

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