Purple-spotted Gudgeons


Sep 5, 2005
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California, U.S.
I live in the u.s. and the purple-spotted gudgeon is very rare to say the least. (or so it seems) I called my lfs, which is generally pretty reliable. And they were dumbfounded even by the word gudgeon. Anyways, does anyone know where i can get one in the states? I couldn't even find any on aquabid. Help please

Do you mean Mogurnda adspersa ?

I believe it's on the endangered species list, so you'd have to look for private breeders.
Perhaps aquabid or so, that seems to be a nice spot for "hard to get" fish in the States.
you may like to PM either lucky62 or Dwarfs (father and son).

I am pretty sure they are from the States and keep a number of different Gudgeons.

There are two species of purple spotted gudgeons.

Southern purple spotted gudgeon (Mogurnda adspersa) is endangered however there are breeding programs and it is possible to get them here (Australia) I'm not sure if you can buy them elsewhere as Australia has laws regarding the exportation of endangered wildlife.

Northern purple spotted gudgeon (Mogurnda mogurnda) is not endangered and you may be able to buy them at your LFS.

I kept a sothern gudgeon for awhile and found it to be a rather problematic fish to keep. It tried to commit suicide on the first day (luckily I heard it jump out). After it settled down it began to become very territorial and started attacking other fish. After the first night 2 smaller fish had dissapeared. Two weeks and seven fish later (one twice the size of the gudgeon) I took it back to the LFS.
I live in Aberdeenshire(Scotland) & I have just helped a guy to set up a new lfs.I have helped to make up the first three fish orders which we got from Singapore.We got purple spotted gudgeon on the last order on 28th.December.I am sorry onemisterchristian you live on the wrong side of the pond.
btw are peacock gudgeons endangered?

I don't think so , I see them for sale on aqua bid [ A guy in California ] often , or every time I look ....... .

onemisterchristian , no problem , in the last 3 years I've only seen the for sale at 3 places [ 3 or 4 times ] near me , all between March and June ...........keep looking on aqua bid [ check out "goo oboos" , a smaller but similar cousin ] , ask local shops to check their lists , esp the ones that list Australian rainbow fish , definitely worth the trouble , we have 2 , and they are to say the least interesting characters , and very interested in what goes on outside the tank
I don't think they can be that rare as they aren't very expensive to buy.I bought one last week. :) They seem easy to keep as mine settled in quick and eats earthworms and frozen bloodworms plus a bit of KFC chicken by son threw in. :crazy:
I definately wouldn't trust one with a peacock gobie or any small fish. :look:
you're right ,they're not rare :nod: . They just aren't very popular right now . If they do become more popular we will see them more frequently .

they are very easy to care for , and probably the most curios and responsive fish I have around , I wish I could find more .

I seen them for as little as $12 , and as high as $25 , not prices you'd pay for rare fish .

the more people buy and ask for them , the more we are likely to see for sale :)

they will eat anything they can fit in their mouths , my Son has fed both of his green beans........I would not put them with smaller fish
Actually Morgurnda adspersa is virtually extinct and Morgurnda morgurnda isnt doing too well in its native enviroment due to the introduction of invasive predatory species and habbitat destruction, fortunately the aquarium trade is keeping the species going by captive breeding.

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