Purple Orchid Crab


New Member
Mar 16, 2011
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I just got a new fish tank with guppies, neon tetras, white clouds, and one purple orchid crab. Does anyone know what the eggs of the crab would look like? There is black dots in the sponge that the plant is planted in and the crab wont leave the plants side. Usually he just hops along the sides of the tank and minds his own business but when the neons go to the plant its trying to snap at them. I dont know if its the crabs eggs or hes waiting to eat the fish eggs or maybe neither.
As far as im aware female crabs carry their eggs under a flap under them. You can sex them by looking underneath, if theres a triangle its a male, if theres a wide, rounded line its a female (thats the flap they hold the eggs in). Most freshwater crabs can be nippy if not fed correctly. If they dont get fed enough or the correct diet they can go for fish. Also most (and im only aware of two species), have to be able to leave water. Strictly speaking they only need to spend about 10 mins in water a day.
If you have what i call a vampire crab (they're purple with yellow eyes), then yeah, we're on a bout the same crab

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