Both make good aquarium fish, but they need a lot of space. I assume you're in the US? In this case, the perch, Perca flavescens, can get to about 50 cm in length. Adults are very territorial and aggressive towards other perch, and predatory towards smaller fish.
Pumpkinseeds are smaller (~20 cm) and much more peaceful. They are fun aquarium fish and easy to keep. Sunfish generally are surprisingly predatory (I've made the mistake of keeping 5 cm juvenile green sunfish with neons...) so choose tankmates with care. On the plus side, my green sunfish were outgoing, quick to learn, and very entertaining.
Neither needs a heater, and in fact will do best at room temperature, with a bit of a drop during the winter. Bugs and such make a fine supplement, but you do want to get them onto flake or frozen food as well. During the winter, bugs will be in short supply.