Pumpkins Pictures: The Neglected, Rescued Rat


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
For those of you who don't know her story, here it is: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=147345

As you can see, she's suffered alot: loss of hair growth, red discharge around eyes from stress, large build up of dirt and greese covering most of the back(the bare patch is from the vet taking a sample and me trying to rub some off too). Things you can't see: hinds legs don't function well, rapid breathing, loss of appetite and fatigue. But she has such determination and gladily accepted some hand fed tuna from the can just before the pictures. She can still jog around abit when she's on the floor and bruxes for me occasionally so not ALL hope is lost unlike what the vet said "destined to be euthanised". Made me almost cry when i saw her brought in to the shelter in her condition. I will try my best with her. No doubt she has long road of recovery still ahead, but the key word there is recovery. I still can't understand why/how people can do this to their animals. :grr:

Her old home, a hamster cage(her body is wider then the ladders!) compared to her new ferret cage:

Loving the new diggin materials

Here's the sad shots *takes deep breathe*




I hope this can be a lesson to anyone thinking a rat or any rodent will be fine in a small cage, pine shavings, wrong diet, no exercise/attention and a rusted can to call home.
Awwwww :wub: Ello Pumpkin!

Laura, hope this doesn't come over funny, but it might be worth Ivomec-ing her to be on the safe side, but I wouldn't worry too much about her baldy patch. She's just perfect. :wub:

I love her new cage too - is it a Superpet?
Awwwww :wub: Ello Pumpkin!
Laura, hope this doesn't come over funny, but it might be worth Ivomec-ing her to be on the safe side, but I wouldn't worry too much about her baldy patch. She's just perfect. :wub:
I love her new cage too - is it a Superpet?

The name of the medicated shampoo is called T-Lux, you can read up on it here: http://www.bullwrinkle.com/index.html?Shop...x.htm~indexmain
I don't know the style of cage, but it was over $200 and that's only the lower half part of it(its tall!). We just didn't add the whole thing because she's not good at climbing and wouldn't use all the space. I've lowered the levels even more since those pics.
Yup it's a Superpet.

I know she's had a skin scraping but I'd Stronghold her anyway, as that's the typical look of a lice infestation.

Either that or she's been so dirty she's got itchy, and her nails may need clipping?

I've got a silver fawn rex doe too, also a rescue (one of a litter of 13 I fostered with their mum - mum, three girls and a boy stayed permanently!):


Good luck with your little lass, she's very pretty :)
I know she's had a skin scraping but I'd Stronghold her anyway, as that's the typical look of a lice infestation.
Either that or she's been so dirty she's got itchy, and her nails may need clipping?

Very cute pictures Lisa.
Well you can tell she's been in dirty conditions a long time but the grime and grease is so thick i think the fur just hasn't been able to grow through it. Wouldn't I be able to see the lice crawling around? I've seen it on other animals before.:/ She doesn't do excessive scratching and the skin underneath looks healthy. Her nails also look fine too.

Update: Just finished the bath and she was sooo well behaved, stayed still, i even have no battle scars! None of the dirt really came off during the bath so i dunno how it works or how effective it will be if it doesn't cut grease. Or maybe after a couple baths or when it dries..... i dunno. I let her have a piece of warm apple from my oatmeal and then she fell asleep. :wub:
oh god... if i could get ahold of whoever did that...
that poor gorgeous rat... rats are such fantastic pets. how someone could do that to a rat- or any pet, for that matter- is beyond me!!! i have four rats, myself, and i love them all dearly. in fact, i think i am going to go get juliette out right now and play with her!

as a matter of fact, here is a picture.. (the dark one is juliette; the tan is joconde)
Hiya Laura - sorry I'm dopey, I didn't catch on to the fact you've had a skin scrape done. You'd normally be able to see lice with the bare eye, but mites are much smaller and can only really be seen when the problem is really bad (moving pin prick sized dots). I would imagine they'd show up on a skin scrape if it was a bad infestation too, although they don't always catch them in one scrape (but a clear scrape would be a good thing).

I used to Stronghold (1 drop of puppy and kitten drops is safe/effective for rats)/Ivermectin mine as a regular thing (even if there were no signs) because I was taking in rescues a lot, but given her sore (?) skin and clear skin scrape, I'd probably skip it for now and maybe do it as a just in case when she's feeling better. Like you said, it could well be that she's just been kept in her own filth for so long that her skin has become irritated.

She really is gorgeous! I had that Superpet double size cage for my boys a while ago and it was great. She's spoilt rotten getting a whole one for herself! See? Now I'm going to try and talk you into ratty company for her *lol*.
oh god... if i could get ahold of whoever did that...
You and me both fish_fetish65! Your girls are so adorable. *ratty kisses*

She really is gorgeous! I had that Superpet double size cage for my boys a while ago and it was great. She's spoilt rotten getting a whole one for herself! See? Now I'm going to try and talk you into ratty company for her *lol*.
I know its a necessity that they have company but I'm not going to introduce a young healthy rat to sick elderly rat right now(then when Pumpkin passes i'll have to get another rat for that one, etc, etc). Also, my husband is allergic to most rodents so I'm greatful as is that he let me adopt her and I'm not gonna push any buttons by asking for a 2nd rat any time soon. But nice try. :p
On another note, today i found Pumpkin on her second level so it seems she's getting into climbing! That also tells me her legs are improving somewhat. :D I also went grocery shopping for her and got her puffed rice, Total cereaL, yogurt drops, lab blacks and other goodies. She's accepted everything, but prefers to be hand fed. Geez why don't I just bring out the silver platter while I'm at it, lol.
She's accepted everything, but prefers to be hand fed. Geez why don't I just bring out the silver platter while I'm at it, lol.

Pumpkin is probably so starved for company, rats being very social animals, that she'll stick to you like glue every chance she gets. The more hand feeding and petting and attention she gets the bigger the boost to her emotional health, her immune system and her longevity will be. Keep right on pampering her! I love all the rat pics on this thread :wub: , they're SUCH neat animals, and so freaking intelligent too.

One question: Rats eat Total cereal?!? :blink:

Ratty kisses to all the rats out there!

Momz :)
One question: Rats eat Total cereal?!? :blink:
Ratty kisses to all the rats out there!
Momz :)

Why ofcourse mama. Check this link out to Suebees Rat diet(scroll to the Grain Mix) and it even says that cereal is VET reccomended: http://www.ratsrule.com/diet.html

Today Pumpkin has eaten more and readily accepted baby food as a treat last night. She's made herself up to the 3rd level now and seems content there in that dome. She still sleeps alot(then again, what rat doesnt) and is still alittle shy to come out of her cage, but other wise she's perked up alot. Starting to see some personality come out.
snowyangel has the write nick ure an "angel" :D . u rock girl. i like pet rats but not wild ones in my backyard they loook so freaky. when i see them i scream soooooooooooooooo loud. but pet rats look awsome.

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