Pulsing Xenia

told you woody, just you :sick:

thanks for that info nd stunning pic.

do you still have a salty tannk?
HappyGeorge will confirm it as he originally told me. And when it arrived it absolutley reeked!............From his house! lol

HG was also kind enough to give me a frag of the above but unfortunately it's slap bang in the middle of my tanned xenia so you get to see it at certain times when the flow gets disturbed.

Fishy, You seem to be having a quite a few digs at me recently! Just as well as you don't live near by as i've just destroyed my kickbag and could do with another one! LOL
It smells pretty bad but god awful when you cut it, and in my experience it will live anywhere. I had some pieces that I cut escape and float roound the tank, 2 days later one was attached to the glass growing. In fact there are still pieces that were on LR that are in the dark underneath my reef plate and they are still alive and another bit growing in the sump. It's even thriving under my T8's in the FOWLR. I reckon I could grow this stuff in my gutter.
well at least it should grow, it wont smell for long.

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