Pulser (xena)


Fish Crazy
Sep 2, 2005
Reaction score
Essex - UK
Hi all

I started my tank a good 6 months ago now and I started stocking pulser. Since then i've managed to get it growing at a superb rate, everyday and its looking great!

Im now thinking of selling this to peeps on here and maybe ebay as I no longer require everything I have.

Would anyone be interested? How much is this worth as I don't want to charge the silly £15-£30 the shops charge?!

Also is it ok to touch by hand?

Yeah, you can touch it with your hands, no problem. I wouldn't manhandle it, but its not going to hurt you thats for sure. Glad to see yours is growing so well. Mine's healthy, but it just doesnt grow all that much...
I bought some 2 frags of Pulsing Xenia 1 month ago and they have now rocketed and grown into 4. Absolutely crazy.

I bought mine for £15, I would think that £7 is reasonable. You would make a return if you had alot to sell but alot of people in the UK have so much they sell it for free.

Speak to you LFS and see if they want to trade it for livestock.
Not to really burst your bubble or anything, but around here people give it away. It really grows like a weed and most of the people in our local club give frags of it away when they trim it back in their tank. I think the best bet (at least around here anyway) is to frag it out and trade it back to a LFS in your area for store credit. Use it to save on the cost of salt mix, fish food, or other livestock. In this area that is where you get the most value out of it.
:good: I agree with the rest of the peeps.

I just fraged a peice of mine out to a co-worker for free. We had it sitting on the desk at work and it was pulsing in dead water, pretty cool to show everyone at the office the live coral sitting in a zip lock bag lol.

I man handled it like no other cut it out with a kitchen knife just wacked the stalk right off the colony and no damage to the colony or frag, they are pretty damn hardy for fragging. Mine split 4 and then that splits 4. I started with a 2 peice frag and I have more than 10 stalks about less than a few months later. My white pom poms won't spread as rapid and its a shame they are so awesome looking, I have three different kinds the light pink tend to spread the best, followed by pink with a darker outline around the pulsers, and then the white growing at a very very very slow rate.

Xenia tend to like being sprinked iodine right over them!
you guys are lucky, around here, xenia cost around 25-30 bucks for a tiny frag. If you are selling it let me know, i would def. be intrested in buying some.
where are ypou located peteyz?
i have tons of the stuff and give it to my lfs for credit. its done great work for me.. paid for my halides, fish skimmers etc... only had xenia for 3 years and its paid for all this stuff and much much more.
hey navaree, im located in westport, connecticut
i went to my lfs and corals were soooo expensive, its absolutly ridiculous
if anyone sells anything for cheap, let me know i would really appreciate it, since i just started reef keeping
and im still yet to buy my first coral, im so worried that it will die and it would be such a waste of money.


If you were closer I'd give you my entire colony. I'm starting to get sick of it as it grows so damn fast its hard to keep up with in my nano.
Yeah, I can only imagine what shops in the new england area charge... :S

Edit: If you could enable your PM's or clear out your box, I might be able to send you a link where you can find cheaper corals ;).
how do i enable my pm or clear out my box

sorry, you will have to excuse my stupidity

Thats ok, since your new I cant imagine your box is full, prolly just have PM's off. Go to the top right of any forum page and click "My Controls" just under the little ad space. Then in the my controls window, on the left hand side under the "Options" category click "Board Settings" and when that opens up in the right half of your screen, make sure the pulldown menu that is titled "Disable your personal messanger?" is set to no. Lemme know if that works out for you :)
hey SkiFletch,

i did what u asked... so now what?

let me know

Wierd, I still get the following error message when I try and send you a pm...

This message can not be sent because the recipient has their personal messenger disabled or their personal messenger inbox is full.

This personal message has not been sent

Anyway, at the risk of this being a post of a "competing site" I'll post the link here. You should check out the Connecticut Area Reef Society (CTARS) as it looks like thats a great local club. Those guys can help you out more than just about anybody here with frags/equipment ;)
thank you SkiFletch, it does look like a good club

you've been a great help

thank you again


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